Enigma and confusion for the empty tombs in the Vatican


The Vatican has opened two graves in the German cemetery that adjoins the Basilica of San Pedro as a "first step" to check whether they contain the rest of the young Italian Emanuela Orlandi, who has disappeared for 36 years without leaving a trace in Rome, but they were empty .

"I was expecting everything, but not that the two graves are empty," said Emanuela's brother, Pietro, confirming to the press in one of the Vatican's revenues that the two tombs were open. empty.

As announced by the Holy See, the open tombs are the so-called "angel's grave", which would have been buried to Princess Sofia von Hohenlohe, who died in 1836, and the adjacent grave, attributed to the Princess Carlotta Federica from Mecklenburg, died 1840

The cemetery is about 150 meters from the papal residence of Casa Santa Marta.

The case of Orlandi, a girl aged 15, daughter of a Vatican employee, disappeared on June 22, 1983, has since become one of the strangest mysteries of recent decades in Italy , with a significant international impact.

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