Enraged mason! : did not receive his payment and turned the house he built into rubble the chronicle


It appears that Jay kurji, 40, bought a house last year in Leicester, at the moment it was not finished as part of the roof had to be finished, so he decided to hire a mason in February.

What the contractor was asked to do was do some renovations and extend the construction to two floors. By May the job was done and it was time to open the wallet. This is when the problem started.

According to the British newspaper The Sun, the mason demanded an additional 3,500 pounds which the owner of the house refused to pay him. It turns out that while Kurji was on vacation the worker decided to do justice for the lack of money, so he decided to call two friends and totally destroy the house. With the help of heavy machinery, they collapsed the roof of the whole house and left the rubble in the garden.

This is how life remained after the “justice” rendered by the mason.

“It’s a nightmare, unfortunately I chose Britain’s worst entrepreneur”, commented the now owner of a pile of rubble. Kurji reportedly contacted the police but was told there was not much he could do as his case was a “civil conflict”. The reason he gave for not paying was that the first worker had completed his task.

The corresponding legal actions have already been initiated and an investigation is ongoing. As much this story still has no end if it leaves us with a moral: if you are not going to pay your contractors, do not go on vacation.


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