Entrance and photos at Villa Elvira: they were stolen when they opened their supermarket


A couple from La Plata was surprised by two criminals when they opened the supermarket doors they had in Villa Elvira town.

The business owner prepared everything to start badisting when he heard screams coming from the car where his partner was. The woman managed to escape at full speed despite the fact that one of the thieves broke a rubber with a shot.

The attack took place this morning when Lorena Fiordomo arrived accompanied by her boyfriend, Martín Chena, at the supermarket located between 7th and 608th Street. "We arrived as every morning to the company to open and found what is called a Enterdera ," said the man.

According to his testimony, and according to the images of the security cameras, an armed offender first approached his girlfriend in the car and there was also an accomplice on a motorcycle that was waiting for her in a corner . "I go out to see what happens and I see the thief who was against the car." Not knowing what to do I rush into the jet and start pointing "recalls Chena, who heard screams coming from the parking lot.

  The criminals surprised the woman while she was in her car. Her partner was waiting in the store until she heard the screaming.
The criminals surprised the woman when she was in her car. Her partner was waiting in the car. store until she heard the cries.

In dialogue with the newspaper El Día the man says that one of the delinquents has fired three times against him and his partner: "My friend accelerates the car and leaves, I try to crawl into the shop and he shoots me in the back, he throws a shot at my girlfriend and he gets a tire , fortunately that he did not give me, he missed her. "

After the woman fled the Instead, the thief who was in the corner went by the front of the store to look for his partner before taking off on a motorcycle. " My girlfriend is alive because I left and I'm alive because thank God she did not hit me," said the supermarket owner.

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