Entre Rios journalist accredited at Casa Rosada arrested for criminal reasons


CABA, July 24 (APFDigital)

– A journalist from Entre Ríos, Maciá, accredited to Casa Rosada, had a warrant for arrest: he was arrested and suspected of intelligence services. · When he wanted to join the G20 summit, he learned of his ties with a security company · His name is Juan Manuel Illescas

Until Friday, one more of accredited journalists at the Casa Rosada, in charge of covering the activities of the president. That day, the federal police went to his home and arrested him, to answer two justice requests, which had requested his national and international capture there is more than one year

. naked the failures of the presidential security, it may exceed the scope of a journalist with problems with the law: investigators suspect by their links with private security and intelligence companies.

Specifically, as of May 7, 2017, Illescas arrest warrant for cattle theft, non-compliance with livestock marketing rules, non-compliance with the duties of a public official and ideological falsification of public documents, according to the file n ° 1312/11, treated by the judge of instruction and the judge of the corrections. the third judicial district of the province of Formosa Marcelo López Picabea

Despite this, Illescas did not draw attention to the security of Casa Rosada, which ando asked for accreditation as journalist, by Radio Integral, of the small town of Maciá in the province of Entre Ríos, with only 6,300 inhabitants according to the last census.

But his situation sparked alarms in the organization of the G-20 continue with the coverage of presidential activities and the recent summit of finance ministers and presidents of central banks.

Security officials gave the role to the federal police who was responsible for looking for him at home in the Buenos Aires district. from San Nicolás, reported Clarín.

The case moved Casa Rosada. Not only because Ilescas has not aroused the suspicion of the authorities. But also among accredited journalists: sources in the file report the links that the 49-year-old journalist has with private security and intelligence companies.

A reserved report that Clarín has access to states that Illescas "does not appear in an addictive relationship with any information medium" and, on the contrary, appears as an employee of an organization. private security company, Segurarg SRL. For more perplexity: among the addresses to which it seems linked – and which highlights the report commissioned by Patricia Bullrich – a street Gelly and Obes appears at 2200, which seems linked to a company dedicated to security and carries out research tasks . It is located in front of the Ministry of Security of the Nation

In his professional journalistic activity, Illescas specializes, beyond the coverage of the activities of the Government, in agricultural matters.

"Illescas does not belong to any national intelligence service, but if it was" buchón "someone will be very difficult to know, anyway, his case is dark", have said the sources of the investigation. (APFDigital)

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