Envalentonada, UCR already doubts Macri's candidacy


After the clear triumph in front of the PRO candidate at La Pampa, the UCR is expanded and you bet, will a radical go to a STEP against Macri?

February 19, 2019

The Unión Cívica Radical (UCR) was encouraged by the victory in front of the PRO during the first electoral test of the year, in La Pampa, and He questioned the candidacy of Mauricio Macri in the presidential elections.

After the clear triumph in front of the PRO candidate at La Pampa and With the presidential ballast, the UCR is enlarged and bet. Daniel Kroneberger, Radical deputy and candidate for the governorship in this province, winner of the STEP against Macrista Carlos Mac Allister, said today: "We have to see if Macri is going to be the candidate and is going to be re-elected."

In radicalism, they are already venturing against President Macri and the candidate Martin Lousteau sounds for the dream of the UCR.

He said that "radicalism will be placed in the place that he must have as an active protagonist of national politics".

READ MORE: In La Pampa, the PRO candidate lost to the UCR

Kroneberger spoke on Radio Cooperativa AM770 and stressed that "radicalism is a national party, we have experienced difficult times, as in 2001 we lack of natural national leadership, but we have very local and regional leaders important " "Radicalism will again occupy a central place, which at that time was opaqueor weakened. "

Consulted by the president's candidacy, Kroneberger declared that "not only must I provide for myself, but also for the people". However, he said that "we must see if Macri is going to be a candidate and that he will be reelected" and badured that "There is still a long way to go to clarify the applications, 5 months in politics, that is a lot".


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