Equineoxe of autumn 2019: astrological rituals and tricks for this season – 03/20/2019


Autumn begins for our hemisphere between March 20th and 21st and ends three months later, at the winter solstice. This coincides with the moon (or, as some call it, super moon) in Libra, which will reflect sunlight from the opposite point.

If we are lucky enough to be in a natural environment, we can appreciate at this moment a landscape of earthy colors, reddish and different shades of yellow. The leaves creak on our feet and the rising wind spreads what falls; the trees are stripped to be reborn in the spring. In line with this and according to certain spiritual traditions, we are preparing to release what remains and to go to a stage of meditation, introspection and evaluation that will intensify on the path of the l & # 39; 39; winter.

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The autumn equinox was celebrated by European peasants in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon cultures. The current neo-paganism rescues him by giving him the name of "Mabón", one of the Wiccan festivities of the "wheel of the year". Thousands of people around the world remember the arrival of autumn, which focuses on the abundance (the fruits are harvested) and the balance that it represents . Remember that the equinoxes are the points where the day and the night last the same thing. "Fiesta de la cosecha", "Fiesta de la Cosecha", "Festa de Avalon" are some of the names that have been attributed to him.

Astrologically, the equinox coincides with the entry of the Sun in Aries (for the southern hemisphere). That is why it is said that the astral year begins at this moment. Aries, the ram, carries the early fire and ignites the spark that opens the experiments (from an innocent, active and creative place). The Moon approaching the Libra He will ask us for a moment of inner equilibrium, inner peace, and observation of what is disorganized. We can shift feminine and masculine polarities and look for beauty in everything we do. Mars in Taurus will seek to slow down the pace and go towards the sensory, the senses of alertness and the material concentration. Venus in Aquarius This will give us a lot of space of inner freedom not to simbiotize in the couple, to make a good distribution of affection and love in the environment around us. The Sun in conjunction with Chiron it can open up old wounds that may have to be observed without objectivity, objectivity and reason on the part of the librian, and with the courage to initiate the necessary changes that will lead us to a more pleasant and powerful place.

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Equineoxe of autumn 2019: rituals and astrological meanings for this season.

Equineoxe of autumn 2019: rituals and astrological meanings for this season.

These are some rituals to highlight the important points of this time, to become aware of it (through this action that we realize) and to agree with nature.

1. Ritual to thank the fruits.

An attitude of gratitude and generosity is indicated for those times that symbolize the harvest of fruits that grew during the summer. Just as the Earth gives, we can also be in the gifts we display with our family, at work or with our friends. The abundance meditations that circulate in WhatsApp groups are an example of this attitude. We can also light incense, incense or charcoal and take a few minutes to thank what is around us. Cinnamon, cypress, sandalwood, pine, juniper, honeysuckle, myrrh are some of the recommended herbs and woods.

2. Ritual to balance and order on hold.

The Moon of Libra invites us to a delicate balance, to the respect of the moments of pleasure, to the search for the sweetness in all things. Perhaps it is necessary to resort to what gives us inner well-being. It does not depend on external circumstances, but it will be necessary to accompany these days with a moderate attitude. What is missing? Where is there excess or lack? In the food, the hours of sleep, the exits, the work? All this in a written and spoken list will make us better understand what needs to be adjusted.

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3. Ritual to celebrate nature.

We can take a walk to pick up leaves, pineapples, fruits and take them to a corner of the house that has the function of altar. These elements can be a small and symbolic offer. The colors used to decorate are: red, brown, gold, yellow. The scents: pine, sandalwood, cinnamon and native trees. Candles can be golden, brown or red. The idea is that this space connects us directly to the spiritual life and can do a minute of silence or spontaneous meditation.

Equineoxe of autumn 2019: rituals and astrological meanings for this season.

Equineoxe of autumn 2019: rituals and astrological meanings for this season.

4. Ritual of contemplative meditation.

On the Internet, many meditations are available to bring us to another mental state. We can work with the sounds of nature, the idea is to devote every day a few minutes of spiritual connection and cleanliness. Just as plants are recycled at this time, the hair falls and all of nature begins an inner period, we can also do it. The images of houses, caves, underworld and spaces in the interior are perfect for this moment.

5. Ritual to investigate the archetypes badociated with Mabón.

Brighit, Isis, Persephone and Freyja are some of the goddesses who represent this era. Aquehua is another indigenous goddess badociated with the Sun who can identify at this stage. They are ancestral feminine representations, honored since the dawn of time, varying their names, their physical attributes. The strength of the archetypes lies in them as an accumulation of wisdom expressed in their stories, their clothes and their symbols.

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