Ernesto Araújo, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bolsonaro, has fallen | The…


From Brasilia

Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo has fallen. He is the second minister devoured in six days (the previous one was Health Chief Pazuello) due to the political crisis more serious since the arrival to power of Jair Bolsonaro in January 2019.

The resignation was presented today at noon when the president received the far-right diplomat at the Planalto Palace, who last week quoted in the Senate a phrase in Latin that was repeated by Benito Mussolini.

The resignation of Araújo, a full Bolsonarist (and fundamentalist) was published in the newspapers San Pablo sheet and Or balloon, and brought back to safety by parliamentary sources consulted today at noon by Page I12.

The trigger was the controversy between Araújo and the senators who confronted him with the lack of diplomatic efforts to obtain vaccines abroad when Brazil became the epicenter of the health crisis, being the country with the most deaths per day in the world for at least two weeks.

The President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, and the Leader of the Deputies, Arthur Lira, the two members of the ruling party, demanded the departure of Araújo, like other members of Congress who have threatened to impeach the outgoing minister. And they hinted that they weren’t ruling out the idea of ​​a political trial against Bolsonaro himself.

The uncontrollable pandemic and the return of Luiz Inácio Lula, thanks to the restitution of political rights which he was deprived of in 2018 to facilitate Bolsonaro’s victory, they demolish the leadership of the retired captain.

With Lula enlarged, back in the ring, placing the vaccine as the main stake and calling key world leaders to an extraordinary summit due to the pandemic, Bolsonaro saw himself in the mirror and understood what it was: a tiny character without international projection.

After becoming the widow of its creator, Donald Trump, Bolsonaro lost his diplomatic compass, remaining isolated, without interlocutors not even from the right, who see it as a psychiatric case.

Without a CV to take over the Itamaraty Palace, Araújo gained notoriety in the diplomatic environment for a defamation that appeared in 2017 where he called Donald Trump the savior of the West. on a crusade against cultural Marxism. A Gramscian upside down.

Its enemies are the UN, the WHO, gender equality and the communist threat behind any criticism of the military dictatorship.

With that sideways gaze, Araújo blamed the Chinese government last year when the coronavirus pandemic emerged, following the scenario dictated by Bolsonaro and his son, Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro.

The former foreign minister attributed the virus to a plot even involving the Chinese Communist Party. These statements sparked the rare anger of Ambassador Yang Wanming, who, in effect, suspended relations with Araújo, just when Brazil needed vaccine diplomacy most to access the Asian giant’s drugs.


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