errors and omissions in the video told by Pablo Echarri defending Cristina Kirchner


Tomas Farini Duggan, lawyer for the next of kin of the victims of the AMIA attack, Luis Czyzewski and Mario Averbuch, said that reject Cristina Kirchner’s cancellation request and ask that the oral trial be completed for the complaint of former prosecutor Alberto Nisman. Moreover, he harshly questioned “Legal errors and omissions” of the video of the vice-president whose text they made read to the actor Pablo Echarri.

After the lawyer for former President Carlos Beraldi made this request supported by a video with the voiceover of the famous actor, Farini Duggan and other sources consulted by Bugle They rejected the new K offensive against the cause in which Iran’s cover-up in the AMIA attack is investigated, which left 85 dead.

“Cristina’s request This is unheard of. He asks the oral court to hold a hearing, but without opening the trial. It is a procedural resource that no history», Explained the lawyer to Bugle.

Federal Oral Court 8 (TOF 8), composed of judges Gabriel Lopez Iñiguez, Daniel Obligado and José Michilini, must decide whether or not to accept the request. They are the dissenting judge on Lázaro Báez’s conviction in the K-money route trial and Judge Obligado, who handed the controversial house arrest to former Vice President Amado Boudou for his conviction. in the Ciccone case.

In Beraldi’s presentation and in the video, “there is no proof to procedurally support the request for annulment ”of the oral trial, said Farini Duggan.

The vice president try to reproduce the strategy used in the future dollar case in which, after a controversial videoconference, the chamber of cassation canceled the oral trial. But in this case, he directly questions the oral court.

“They want to do a political spectacle with a case linked to international terrorism, ”the complaints warn.

Farini Duggan explained that Cristina’s defense ” scandalize for the visits of the judges of cassation Mariano Borinsky and Gustavo Hornos to the former president Macri in Olivos ”which were entered in the list of entries and exits of the presidential residence.

“But there is not a single test that there was a request to reopen the case because of Nisman’s complaint, ”he said.

Defense of the vice-president question Borinsky and Hornos because they voted in December 2016 to reopen the Nisman complaint filed by Judge Daniel Rafecas and the majority of Chamber I of the Federal Chamber.

However, he omits that Judge Ana Figueroa – who is praised in Echarri’s video – also he voted in favor of the “resuscitation decision,” as he puts it ironically and in a supposedly epic tone.

In 2016, the reopening request was made by DAIA, the entity that represents Jewish community organizations from a political point of view. Detail that too is omitted in both presentations.

Grounds for contestation are, for example, meetings of a judge with parties to a case, outside of the process. But Macri was not part of the cause, said judicial sources consulted by Bugle.

The video they made the famous actor play also talks about “Firm failures” as for the file of the file.

However, not only did the cassation reopen it, but the Court, months later, confirmed the prosecution of Cristina, the current Attorney General of the Treasury, Carlos Zannini and others.

In this case, the outcome of which concerns the whole world, Cristina has confirmed the prosecution by aggravated concealment and hindrance of a functional act.

Then the video questions by drawing lots and “magically” the cause of Nisman’s complaint fell to the court of Claudio Bonadio, which thus, he says, began his “hunt”.

In exchange, does not call into question the drawing of lots, carried out with the same method, by which the TOF 8 was chosen.

Later, the audiovisual piece questions the Macri’s “direct interference” in the case because in January 2015, after Nisman’s crime, he demanded that the complaint of the former AMIA prosecutor be “prosecuted, investigated”.

Also because in another report, Macri congratulated Borinsky and Hornos for reopening the case despite having suffered “a lot of pressure” internally and externally.

As if a president “I couldn’t comment” on a cause linked to the biggest terrorist attack in Argentina, said another source.

In the video and in the presentation of Beraldi, it’s done a summary of all the causes which, according to Cristina, were part of her account of the law and presents it as “a manual of political, judicial and media persecution”.

“If the judge meets a president, can he be independent?” the video asks with a dramatic tone, forgetting that Amado Boudou, as vice-president, attended the birthdays of the judge of the Court, Eugenio Zaffaroni.

Beyond the ethical debate, which must be demonstrated in both cases, from a legal point of view, is that there was a conspiracy in a cause.

Finally, he shows videos of Alfonsín and compares the Cambiemos government to the dictatorship and says that this cause is one of the “most scandalous processes in our history”, among other disqualifying adjectives.

This new step for Cristina means a change of strategy, after the attempt to overturn the judgment with the declaration of the former head of Interpol Ronald Noble fell.

After several twists and turns, Interpol said Noble he cannot testify because he still enjoys diplomatic immunity.

The debate on this former Interpol official is based on Interpol red alerts out of five Iranians accused of being the alleged masterminds of the attack who, according to Nisman’s complaint, were to be fired after the pact was signed.

The alerts are still in force today but with a text added, since 2013, which speaks of “a diplomatic negotiation between Argentina and Iran” for the attack which does not exist.

The other decision was taken by former AFI holder Oscar Parrilli who requested, in 2020, its cancellation for a confused denunciation of the pressure of the judge of cassation Ana Figueroa under the Macri government.

“If you remove the fake epic from the video and the writing is clear, a wish from Cristina: do not sit on the bench of the oral trial of this caseFarini Duggan summed up.

Now TOF 8 must decide whether or not to accept the unprecedented hearing before setting a date, as it was once announced and postponed, to begin the oral trial.

Paradoxically, any complaint against this tribunal must be dealt with by the IV Court of Cassation made up of Borinsky, Angela Ledesma and Javier Carbajo. And the integration of this room will be due to challenges and another battle of Cristina.

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