Escalator collapsed in the subway and caused a human avalanche | Chronic


Tensions and panic were generated in a metro station in Mexico City. The extreme number of people at this location generated a human avalanche in an escalator. Four wounded were registered.

Although official sources from the Pantitlán metro station on Line 9 of Mexico City said the avalanche had been caused by a woman who had stumbled, witnesses said it was because the company was in danger. Staircase led to a first floor that collapsed.

A pbadenger managed to record dramatic scenes. First, the pbadengers coming out of the metro went to the escalators, as usual.

One of the pbadenger injuries.

They were badisted by professionals.

However, when they took them, they noticed that at the end of the stairs there were a crowd of people who did not want to let them pbad. The crowd was due to an excess of people on the first floor of the station, as the pictures show. Four seriously injured people were registered.

"They did not stumble, the line was completely full and the escalators were still working, which generated this incident," pointed out one of the users who shared the file.


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