Escandalo in Córdoba by students who made the Nazi salute in the school yard


A real scandal occurred in a school in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita, in the province of Córdoba. A group of sixth grade boys a picture was taken doing the Nazi salute dedicated to a course from another school. The picture, in addition, had written the phrase "Heil Hitler".

The photo was recorded in the courtyard of the San Francisco Institute of Asís in Córdoba, where the 6th year students they sent a greeting to "in friendship" with another from a Villa General Belgrano school, with which they had an enmity.

From what he found TN, school authorities they were not aware of the picture, which was broadcast on the social networks of one of the students.

The photo with the
The photo with the "Hitler heil" which became viral. (TN capture)

In the photo, the boys appear with the new sportswear from the institution that they will use in the 2019 school year.They were alone in the yard. There was no authority at that time, "he said. TN the journalist from Cordoba, Cristian Alegre. According to school officials, students will be disciplined, for which there is still no precision.

The fascist / Nazi salvation is what they used the followers of this ideology between the 30s and 40s in Germany, Italy and Spain. This is a variant that comes from the time when Roman soldiers made the same gesture in the presence of the emperor.


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