ESI doesn’t just learn for young people | Clear …


What sex education have we had? Do I know my body? How is my sexual self-esteem? How do I deal with the questions of children and adolescents? What will my sexuality be like at the next stage of life? Why is it difficult to use a condom? Psychoanalyst Clara Attardo takes the glove and does not answer, but throws the questions in the air so that we start questioning ourselves about our sexuality and taking ESI courses, because about global sex education we know little, she said, although we’ve had sex our entire lives. Additionally, part of the assumption that one of the difficulties in implementing CSE is that as adults we have not worked on our sexuality.

Attardo is a psychologist (UBA), Magister in Gender, Society and Politics (FLACSO), specializing in gender and health promotion policies. In addition, she is a popular educator and author of the book The kind of politics. The voices of women in public policy, stories of an experience. For twenty years, she has been working in the field of comprehensive sexuality education, even before the law, and in February she launched the “Complete Seminar on Adult Sexuality Education: Disarming Taboos to Create Freedoms” with very good repercussions. “They are women, without a doubt, and I’m not surprised,” he says. “Because part of the ‘stagnant revolution’ is that of women’s sexual freedom; we are always occupied by sacrifice and pain, the pleasure is not yet ours and we know it; and we want to make the revolution of enjoyment once and for all ”.

– Sex education for adults? Because?

-Surge of 20 years of work experience at ESI. Schools have desperately requested workshops for adolescents. I used to lecture in waiting rooms of health centers and hospitals on sexual health, gender, contraceptive methods, but the demand was from nervous adults for adolescents to are informed. Over the years, I have seen that in these interviews, the teachers, the parents, who accompanied them “covered their ears” in the corners, watched with curiosity; And then the demands of adults started to emerge, and I thought to myself, there is a central point, where we don’t look: us adults. After working on the incorporation of CSE in institutions, I realized that it was difficult to work on it not only because of the “lack of training” of teachers, professionals, families, not only in because of religious or ideological barriers, but also because talking about sexuality opens your sexuality to the cute and the other. It is also linked to the sexual violence suffered; with non-pleasure, with unanswered questions.

-What are the main difficulties you encounter?

-I find speaking difficulties, moral judgments about sexuality even in “cool” people that you would be surprised if they could make value judgments about it. In my seminar, I ask what sex education do you have? The answers are: Johnson and Johnson’s speeches at school; porn, friends, late night I-Sat, leftovers, and already a couple. In this context, how do you face the questions of the new generations? I promote questions, not just information also that we ask ourselves questions. Women, in this case mainly cis, live it with enthusiasm, with envy, they want their own WISE. Men must dare to connect with their whole body as erogenous, beyond the penis (the cis). Connect with desire and listen to the demand of others in bed; And the fact that the other knows sex can be an affront. The men work at the same time. It seems central to the presence of sexual diversity in the seminar, to debinarize the ESI, and to connect with the various sexual experiences, the emerging pleasures. Let’s see that we are not so biologically binary, let’s see Brigitte Paptiste (trans Colombian biologist), Let’s go back to Kinsey who said that there is a lot of gray between homosexuality and heterosexuality. I mean, let’s talk without binaries, openly, with confidentiality, trust and respect. Welcome the ethics of consent and mutual aid. Welcome the elimination of silenced violence and sexual abuse.

-Why do you say this is really the tip of the iceberg?

-When you open the subject of the ESI … we all want information, great, but I think that matters but it is not enough, we have to open the subjectivity to be honestly crossed by questions about our desires , which with information alone is not achieved, which is why sometimes so many campaigns fail, because they are only rational, they do not touch your soul, your heart and even less your clitoris.

– Is it enough to take ESI courses? What else can we do?

– Get together, ask, talk, play, look at each other; see how erotic everything we do and eroticize life a little more, that we already have a lot of tragedies. And when I say eroticize life, I mean bringing vagueness, passion and love to who we are, to what we do. Make it wish; it is also sexuality.

-How is sexual self-esteem reached?

-It is part of our own evaluation and it is built in life; feel good naked, feel that you have the right to enjoy sex as something good and beautiful, that your body is fine; connect and create what you love; reject anxieties in the area of ​​sexuality. In other words, to achieve more sexual self-esteem in a world that tells you sex is bad, that tells you you have to be skinny, young, multi-orgasmic, or multi-ejaculation; gives more anxiety than anything else. What can we do, I don’t know all the answers; but I think creativity is central.

-He declares that we must prioritize sexuality and make its dimensions more complex. How would he be?

-Sometimes we say that sex today is overrated; What gender are they talking about ?; Of the entry and exit of porn? Eroticism has been de-hierarchized as a joyful passion to live and survive the necro politics where lives are worthless. I got tired of being on ESI panels where we don’t talk about sex, as if sex trivializes life. On the contrary, sex libidinizes the doing, the desire in many aspects not only that of the genital encounter. To complex is to cross disciplines such as biology (of Baptist for example), sexology, psychoanalysis, health promotion, politics, interculturality, popular experiential knowledge; open, but above all asking a lot and experiencing a lot of love, consent and self-care.


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