Estefanía Veloz resigned from Morena: “She turned her back on him and betrayed women”


Estefanía Veloz (Photo: Instagram @ estefaniavloz)
Estefanía Veloz (Photo: Instagram @ estefaniavloz)

“In accordance with my principles, I decide to resign from MORENA, because my loyalty and my first activism are not with a party, but with women and feminism. I resign (sic) in solidarity with all the victims of sexual abuse who did not believe them ”, is the message with which this Monday morning, Estefanía Veloz, until now member of the party of President López Obrador and activist, has announced his resignation from the said political force.

Veloz made the announcement as part of March 8, the date of commemoration of International Women’s Day, which takes place against the backdrop of direct complaints by Mexican women to the president for supporting Félix Salgado’s candidacy for governor. from Guerrero. Macedonio, a politician who currently has multiple sexual abuse charges.

“Today, Morena has turned her back on her and betrayed women,” said Estefanía, “that is why today I prefer, through my resignation, to call for attention and express my solidarity with all rape victims. MORENA’s resignation fires even more my spirit of building a country where there is a feminist left ”.

(Screen capture: Twitter @EstefaniaVeloz)
(Screen capture: Twitter @EstefaniaVeloz)

“For the first time in modern Mexican history, things seemed to start to have a better perspective for those below,” part of the attorney’s statement read. “However, in 2021, and faced with a historic electoral process in which thousands of public positions are in dispute, the possibility of giving continuity to the country’s fourth transformation is called into question. And the fact is that the candidacy of Félix Salgado Macedonio, accused of rape and sexual harassment by several women, fully tells the story of the struggle which gave rise to MORENA in more than one way ”.

He also immediately adds: “Today, the principles of Do not steal, not to lie and not to betray the people have not been a compass of the popular organization which was animated by the hope of a a just society and a government in service. people.”

“Because it is useless not to steal if that excludes depriving women of their will and their free will; It does not say much not to lie, if there are no public explanations of the reasonable doubts arising from the complaints filed with the name, surname and face; and that does not mean not betraying the people if this mandate does not imply a strong condemnation of gender-based violence and, in particular, of one of the most damaging crimes such as rape, ”Veloz emphasizes.

(Screen capture: Twitter @EstefaniaVeloz)
(Screen capture: Twitter @EstefaniaVeloz)

Regardless of the complaints against him for sexual abuse, March 4 The Electoral Institute of Guerrero has decided to grant registration to Félix Salgado Macedonio as Morena’s candidate for the post of governor of this entity.

A day later, last Friday, Morena party activists took a stand against Salgado Macedonio’s candidacy and demanded, through a video, that to abandon in the electoral race for the state of Guerrero.

“It’s time for women, the fourth transformation and feminism is two movements that come together being progressive, they must not clash. We are pursuing the same thing, freedom and equality. That is why we, the Morena women, cannot remain silent. From this platform, we demand that the candidate for governor of Guerrero for the party of the National Regeneration Movement listen to our voices and renounce the candidacy.», Said the protesters in the audiovisual shared via Twitter from the account of Senator Antares Vázquez Alatorre.

In the video edited in black and white, Estefanía Veloz, MP Wendy Briceño, Antares Vázquez, among other female members of Morena, individually ask the politician to take a step back in his search for the post of governor of the state.

“We demand that listen to the voices of activism they want it to be put aside, so that the process can continue, ”they concluded.

(Photo: TW @AntaresVazAla)
(Photo: TW @AntaresVazAla)

“We were the party that mistrusted and questioned the decisions of an unjust and clearly rotten judicial body and now we are a party that prefers to believe the prosecutions and not the victims (…) The perpetrators are not only contrary to ethics, but it is a means of perpetuating the social domination of misogyny, and a practice which, if it becomes recurrent, makes Morena an enemy of women and of himself, ”warned Estefanía Veloz in her statement .

“The candidacy of Salgado Macedonio is a stark reminder that the feminist movement cannot and must not let its guard down; that on the contrary, he must unite and become even stronger. The fourth transformation will be feminist or not, ”concluded the activist.


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# RenunciaFélix: women of Morena urged to expel Salgado Macedonio from his candidacy for Guerrero

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