Estimate further rate increases in Buenos Aires


July 24, 2018 – 00:00
The energy minister said it will be between 25 and 30% for the second half, due to inflation.

Energy Minister Javier Iguacel estimated that electricity and gas rates in the federal capital and Greater Buenos Aires will increase by up to 30% in the rest of the country. l & # 39; year.

According to the official, the gas service will have a new adjustment that "will not be greater than 25%, while the increase in electricity will be" less than 30%. "

he, the rates of "adjustment only" will be "for inflation."

In the televised statements, Iguacel admitted that "there are still adjustments to be made" in the two services, and stressed: "Now, gas bills are coming, which are difficult."

as in electricity, the bills have three components: the cost of energy, transportation and distribution. "

" Transportation and distribution are contracts that have been renegotiated in pesos and adjusted in pesos for inflation ". , which is why he rejected that the government "dollarized" the

As stated, "this government is not that it has dollarized the energy. In fact, hyper-dollarized Kirchnerism, which made us dependent on outside energy and we spent more than $ 6 billion a year to import. "

Iguacel also said that" in the case of gas, Through the investment that is made, we have the opportunity to no longer need to import, only in winter we will have import, and less and less. "

" We hope the price will drop considerably. the production price, we are expecting a predictable bill this summer and we are aiming for next winter, in pesos similar to this year, "said the minister.

For this reason, he badured:" After two This year, we will start to overtake the gas and we will be able to export to Chile, I was in this country a few days ago and we are talking about it. "

It may cost to attract investment
Spotorno added that reducing the tax burden, the state could resort to a" large monotributo, for the whole world. "
" Monotributo is a big tax. For this reason we should advance in a big monotributo, that is to say for everyone and, of this form, launder the economy. "For Spotorno," lowering taxes will cost government, also attracting investment. So, I think you can go ahead with fewer regulations. "
" The more progress is made in reducing the regulation of the economy, the more likely it is that this activity will grow "
Argentina has never succeeded in to be less than 20% of the economy in black, although there are no precise statistics ", and stressed that" the essence of informality lies in micro-SMEs. "
a lot of informal economy. That's why I think this area needs to be guaranteed to pay the same taxes as now, but with a cap. "

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