Ethiopian Airlines: black boxes show "clear similarities" with the Lion Air accident


The badysis of the data of the black boxes of the plane of Ethiopian Airlines who crashed last Sunday showed "clear similarities" with the same Lion Air model crash in Indonesia in October, said a spokesman for the Ethiopian Ministry of Transport.

The two planes were Boeing 737 MAX 8 and they rushed to the ground a few minutes after takeoff after reporting flight control problems.

The concern for the safety of the aircraft has led aeronautical authorities around the world to immobilize the model, subtracting billions of dollars from the market value of the US airline.

"The same thing happened with the Indonesian (Lion Air)." Until now, there are obvious similarities between the two accidents, "spokesman Muse Yiheyis told Reuters.

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"The data has been successfully recovered, the American team and ours (Ethiopian) have validated it, the minister thanked the French government, we will tell you something more in three or four days", he added.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a preliminary report on the accident is expected within 30 days, the Minister of Transport announced.


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