EU analysis at AMLO and said goodbye to the EPN [Especial] – 07/14/2018


Mexico City .- The virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, received the United States delegation, headed by the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo.

The private meeting took place at the Tabasco politician's transition offices, located in Colonia Roma.

Arrived at the house where López Obrador is sent the high-level delegation sent by the US government, which was integrated, in addition to Pompeo, by the treasury secretaries, Steven Mnuchin, and Kirstjen Nielsen, councilor of the White House and son-in-law of President Donald Trump, Jared Kushner

The delegation arrived in the middle of a road and a security operation that restricted local traffic for several hours.

The team that accompanied the virtual winner of the presidential elections was led by the future Chancellor, Marcelo Ebrard.

López Obrador and Pompeo pose for For the official photo between the flags of Mexico and the United States, in front of the portrait of the former president Benito Juárez

The Tabasco and the US official shake hands before the private meeting. "Congratulations", was the first expression of Pompeo to meet the winner of the elections on July 1st.

"Nice to meet you," said López Obrador, listening to the voices of the performers. "We are very pleased that you are here with us, we welcome you and you have the floor," said Tabasco

According to López Obrador, the topics discussed at the meeting were the renegotiation of NAFTA , development programs,

Tabasco and Ebrard ensured that the construction and financing of the border wall was not part of the agenda of the meeting.

Meanwhile, Pompeo informed that at the meeting with AMLO they were talking about common goals.

"We discussed how Mexico and the United States can work to achieve common goals, including economic development, creating jobs and opportunities for the citizens of our countries."

After the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luis Videgaray The US official stressed that the priority of his visit to Mexico was to start to establish a relationship with the virtual elected president.

"We look forward to working with the President-elect, López Obrador, once he takes office on 1 December," he declared

"It was a priority for me and my team to come to Mexico as soon as possible.the election to start building a relationship with him and his team. "

In his first visit to Mexico as a Trump government official, l & # 39; The former CIA director said the US president will continue to work with President Enrique Peña Nieto on issues affecting both countries.

He emphasized that the United States seeks to have a fair relationship with the country and that it is therefore essential to modernize NAFTA.

"We all agree that North America is the most competitive region in the world."


Noting that Mexico and the United States share miles of border, Pompeo badured that your country is committed to moving forward so that the security of this limit is ensured.

"Respectfully, I emphasize the importance of the border issue for the current administration," he said.

He also said that the two governments will work to continue dismantling the organizations that traffic in drugs, weapons and human beings, which he blames for violence and insecurity in Mexico and other countries. United States

. The drug demand is mainly in the United States, so he said that Trump is committed to reducing consumption in the United States.

He also said that Mexico is an important partner in fighting corruption and reducing violence in the triangle countries. North Central America to reduce the migration of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

"The visit reaffirms that both countries are partners and friends," he said.

Videgaray, informed that President Peña reiterated to the US delegation the willingness of the Mexican government to work at an accelerated pace to achieve a successful renegotiation. of NAFTA

Indicates that the current administration is collaborating with the virtual elected president to build a common front for Mexico, particularly in its relations with the United States

"In general, the meeting was constructive, helpful to go forward ".

During the private meeting, Interior Secretary Alfonso Navarrete and US Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen agreed to continue collaboration and coordination until the end of the meeting. at the end of the administration of Peña Nieto. They also made the commitment to continue the exchange of technical information and a "frank and open" dialogue on issues such as safety and health.


López Obrador, sent Donald Trump a letter of understanding with the four central themes on which the bilateral relationship will be based.

During the meeting of almost one hour, the tabasqueño gave Pompeo a document in which he raises his proposals on the economy, development, migration and security.

In terms of development, Marcelo Ebrard, as future Chancellor, explains that AMLO explains in the document its main projects for the country and, in migrations, the idea of ​​integrating the nations of Central America in development.

Finally, in the case of security, the founder of Morena told Trump that they should have a dialogue in the future, since Mexico will fundamentally change the strategy of fighting crime.

Ebrard considered that it was a document of understanding, which includes a global vision on the most important issues for both nations.

He reiterated that his content will be made public until Trump has it in his hands.

"This is a successful first conversation, we could have reasonable optimism that Mexico will find some understanding for the next few years in a better relationship with the United States."


While President Enrique Peña Nieto asked the delegation of the United States Government a quick reunification of families of separated migrants in this country

This question, as well as aggression for racism against Mexicans and progress in renegotiating the Free Trade Agreement, were at the center of the conversation he had with senior US officials.

The meeting lasted about 40 minutes and was held in one of the rooms of the official Los Pinos residence.

"The Federal Executive expressed concern over the separation policy of migrant families put in place by the US Government, and asked the Secretary of State to quickly reunite separated families at the border. ", said the presidency.

"He stressed the need to find a permanent alternative giving priority to welfare and the rights of minors."

he expressed concern about acts of violence against Mexicans, as this was the case of Rodolfo Rodríguez, a 92-year-old man who was violently beaten by a woman after stumbling over his son while he was walking down a street in Los Angeles.

Peña Nieto pointed out to US officials the recent electoral process that the country has known, which he described as historic, and, he noted, it unfolded in a climate of tranquility and unprecedented participation.

Young Mexicans deported from the United States protested to the point where Mexican officials met Dr. Manuel López Obrador and a group of his collaborators. Members of the organization Other Dreams in Action met banners near the virtual president-elect's offices in the Roma neighborhood. One of them, deported in 2009, accused the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto of ignoring their needs. He pointed out that a clear example is the exclusion of these groups in the renegotiations of NAFTA. The group sued Mexico's new government that the National Institute of Migration (MNI) is not behaving like the US ICE with Central American migrants. (Reform)

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