Eureka !, an interactive exhibition on science and technology


Today begins the second edition of the event totally free, and will continue until July 29 at the Rural Resistance Society, located at the intersection of Alvear and Mac Lean avenues .

The Minister pointed out that participants will be surprised by the amount of interesting things that science and technology can show. "It's an opportunity to learn as a family and discover how fun it is to do science and how the things we enjoy today are the result of work and research many people, "he said.

On the other hand, he stressed the importance of this fair: "If we want to be a sovereign, independent and socially just country, technology and science are a necessary part of this development", he said, adding "that there will be no economic independence without technological independence".

In its second edition, EUREKA will present experiments and samples of provincial entities and the Ministry of Science, through the Federal Council of Science and Technology (COFECYT) where through an interactive module tour will be announced visionaries and discoveries this has changed the scientific paradigms of each era. "We have a very strong technological future and, by becoming pbadive users, it will cost us a lot to get into development and that is why we should encourage the vocation of children and young people to technology," he said. he declared.


The Undersecretary for Technological Innovation stated that in this second edition contributes to an important element of what is the knowledge of the Teaching and learning for our young people. "We want to create through the game an understanding of the theme and awaken in children a vocation," said Yurkevich

He also said that the provincial sample will allow participants to interact with the children. experience of representatives of different academic institutions and techniques on different topics among which stand out: the electricity and magnetism, the maintenance of balance, interesting experiments in chemistry, robotics and astronomy.


The President of the Institute of Tourism, Mora Dicembrino, said that the Chaco Government is committed to developing the Innovation and the base that works on a common agenda This adds to the excellent program of activities taking place in the province this month. "At the initiative of Governor Domingo Peppo, we are working to generate activities that promote participation and contribute to the identity of the people," he said.

"In this case, the focus will be on the art of science, accessible to all, with an inclusive and free entry: the program will run from Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 22h with proposals for the whole family "explained Dicembrino and pointed out that the Fair Eureka comes to enrich the actions that are proposed in the province for the enjoyment of this season of the winter holidays.

Foodtraks will accompany this fair, gastronomic proposals framed in the program Sabores del Chaco. "We hope that this sample will continue to grow and expand its proposals and above all, that the results are even better than last year," he concluded.


Among the attractions of the COFECYT exhibition, there will be the Galileo Galilei telescope and a team game that will demonstrate the principle of universality free fall; the theories of gravitational force developed by Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein in a simulator of gravitational space. There will also be a memotest contest with the planets of the solar system to present the heliocentric model of Nicolaus Copernicus.

In addition there will be armed with the oldest puzzle of which one is aware, the creation of Archimedes of Syracuse to illustrate a mathematical problem and to demonstrate different combinations of triangles that can give shape to the badembly of & dquo; A square.

There will also be stand-up discussions to mark a before and after about the belief of the dinosaurs; and the design and innovation of working with wood and textiles where you can build new toys in a fun and creative way, and appropriate knowledge about the different types of tools

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