Europe burns and cities are at risk


Summer. The average temperature varies between 34 and 36 degrees and has not been recorded for 260 years. In Mexico, thermometers mark 45 degrees


Ref. Photo: Cancula. The heat wave in the European countries will be felt more this weekend.

Europe is experiencing a warmer summer than usual, with temperatures that have not been recorded for 260 years, endangering villagers in cities without structures for a tropical wave .

July, the hottest story. The most critical case is that of Greece, where drought and heat conditions have contributed to forest fires that could kill a hundred people and allow several villages to turn to ashes.

for example, there are no brands like the current since 1756, so this month of July is considered the hottest in history. In Sweden, they are also facing forest fires, a product of high temperatures, a spawning of climate change and the greenhouse effect.

27 fires in Sweden. The most critical case is that of Greece, where drought and heat conditions have contributed to forest fires that could kill a hundred people and allow several villages to turn to ashes.

for example, there are no brands like the current since 1756, so this month of July is considered the hottest in history. In Sweden, they are also facing forest fires, a product of high temperatures, a spate of climate change and the greenhouse effect.

34 degrees to London. Meanwhile, the Met Office – British weather bureau – warned that this weekend, temperatures will rise above 34 degrees southwest of London, in addition to other points such as Esbad, Kent, East Anglia and Linconlshire. the population to take precautions. The last United Kingdom record was 38.5 degrees near Faversham, Kent, in 2003. However, there is a 20% chance that the number will be exceeded this Friday.

France and Germany. In France, the memory of the heat wave of the summer of 2003 is still alive with an estimate of more than 10,000 deaths, a figure that has been calculated on the increase in deaths from the period compared to the average of previous years. 19659005] In Hamburg, it is now 34 degrees, as well as in Düsseldorf and Mannheim, while in Cologne the temperature reaches 35 degrees.

These are cities that are not prepared for tropical temperatures, as in Scandinavia.
Usually, it is the elderly and women who are the most affected

The alert also concerns areas of Germany that are waiting up to 36 degrees

180 people
were hospitalized in Greece after the fire wave.

34 Degrees
is the average temperature facing the European Union.

Mexico: 45 Degrees

Death. At least seven people were killed by "heat stroke" in Mexicali, in the far north-west of Mexico, and a dozen pelicans fell on the sidewalk when a herd migrated from this city towards the Mar de Cortes.

Havoc. High temperatures are starting to wreak havoc in Mexico. There is an emergency in 547 municipalities in 22 states. The temperature has exceeded, in some cases, 47 degrees.

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