Europe calls Maduro to call elections in 8 days


"If within eight days no call for fair, free and transparent elections is launched in Venezuela, Spain will recognize Juan Guaidó as president of Venezuela," said the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, explicit television of a member state of the European Union from the proclamation by the parliamentary leader of the opposition as interim president.

To integrate

Spain has a responsibility vis-à-vis Latin America. Many links unite us. I convey the sincere commitment of my Government to the people and the future of Venezuela. And confidence in the return of democracy, like Venezuela, will get out of this serious crisis.

– Pedro Sánchez (@sanchezcastejon) January 26, 2019

British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt said "Guaidó is the person needed to move Venezuela forward" and also called for the announcement of "new and impartial elections in eight days".

Soon after, the European Union also badured that it "will take action" if the elections are not convened "in the coming days," said the head of European diplomacy, Federica Mogherini.

To integrate

Das Volk Venezuelas muss frei u. at Sicherheit über seine Zukunft entscheiden können. Werden nicht binnen 8 Tagen Wahlen angekündigt, to date, Juan Guaidó al Interimspräsidenten anzuerkennen, looking for a politician. Prozess einleitet; arbeiten eng mit europ. Partnern.

– Martina Fietz (@m_fietz) January 26, 2019

"The European Union continues to make progress in recognizing and fully supporting our legitimate and constitutional struggle," congratulated Guaidó, 35, on Twitter.

Maduro has still not reacted, but the day before, he said that in Spain "they have no morals to give lessons to Venezuela or to make an ultimatum".

A few hours later, the pulse was transferred to the United Nations Security Council, which addresses the Venezuelan crisis at the request of the United States.

Russia accused the Americans of wanting to "orchestrate a coup d'etat" in Venezuela, but Washington badured that President Maduro was leading an "illegitimate mafia state" and called on all countries to join forces with freedom "of the opponent Juan Guaidó.

The debate was held with the help of Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza.

The head of parliament, a majority of the opposition, said Wednesday the interim president after the Congress declared "usurper" in Maduro for having started on 10 January a second term deemed illegitimate by the international community, which considers that that his reelection was fraudulent


Crisis in Venezuela: Maduro breaks ties with the United States

Guaidó called a big march for last week


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