Europe ends year amid second wave of Covid: Germany, UK with record deaths


The second wave of Covid-19 don’t stop at Europe despite the restrictions and measures to try to stop the Coronavirus pandemic. Germany and the UK both have death registers.

In the past 24 hours, Germany has marked its dramatic death record with 1,100 people losing their lives: a record never recorded since the start of the pandemic and which confirms the seriousness of this second wave. And the situation is not improving Britain where a new alarming peak: 981 people died and infections on the rise, with more than 50,000 new cases, maybe also an accomplice new british strain I already know spreads to the whole planet, the agency reported ANSA Latina.

The German calculation offered by the Robert Koch Institute chills: 1129 victims in 24 hours. Experts consider that this figure could be explained by a “delay “in the distribution of newsletters, due to the delay in the activities of health entities during the holidays, which leads to an accumulation of data to be loaded.

And also on the front of new infections –22,459 new infections– to whom the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, did not hesitate to say that “the data shows with how brutal the virus can strike“.

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I don’t see how you can go back to a pre-blockade regime. We are always far from normalHe added, postponing, about the new measures, to January 5, when a summit between the Chancellor takes place, Angela Merkel, and the minister-presidents of states.

A long-awaited meeting of the Germans who since December 16 found in severe confinement especially for the many doubts about the schools.

As the administration pushes for a resumption of face-to-face lessons from January 10, Spahn showed greater caution: “Better than stay closed for more than one week lessThis is my point of view, but it will be part of the debate at the next meeting with the States. “The Berlin state education officer has already made it clear that she does not consider that classes can be sent back to the capital before the 18th.

During a press conference with the president of the RKI, Lothar Wieler, the young CDU politician underlined to what extent this period was marked by obvious “contrasts”: on the one hand “1,129 families who will mourn the passing of the New Year“, on the other hand, the hope induced by the start of vaccination operations.

Today in Germany they are 78,109 people who received the first dose of Biontech-Pfizer vaccine according to the balance updated before lunchtime.

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The impressive coverage of the vaccine will not guarantee a return to normal quickly. he the health system is forced, amidst staff difficulties and increasing number of beds occupied in intensive care units.

And all eyes are on him End of year: “tThe less we celebrate, the better we can start JanuaryProfessor Wieler said for all, once again asking citizens to stay at home, avoiding contact. social gatherings will be banned in Germany.

For its part, in the United Kingdom the situation is not improving either. “Only yesterday they checked in 53,135 new cases, most of which would be due to new variant “, much more contagious, said the Minister of Health, Matt hancock.

The health services are under “tremendous pressure“, he underlined, with” more than 21,000 people hospitalized“surpassing the worst levels recorded in the first wave of April, the agency reported AFP.

The UK, one of the worst-affected countries in Europe, has registered until Wednesday 72,548 dead confirmed by covid-19, 981 more in the last 24 hours, albeit with the delay accumulated over several vacations.

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To estimate that it is triggered is due to new strain, between 40% and 70% more transmissible than the previous ones, the government of Boris Johnson has decided to tighten the restrictions.

Many other parts of central, southern and northern England will move to Alert Level 4 on Thursday, where only essential stores remain open and the the population must stay at homeHancock announced to Parliament.

This measure, which has already affected London for two weeks, it will therefore be 44 of the 56 million inhabitants of England. In the rest of the country, Scotland continental, Wales and Northern Ireland They are also confined.

More, english high school students will not be returning to classes on January 4: those who have exams will do so a week later, the other two, announced the Minister of Education, Gavin Williamson.

While Europe suffers from the second wave, it is not easy for the rest of the world to fight the virus. Japan risk of hospital collapse Latin America, beside Caribe, has already passed the dramatic threshold of half a million deaths.



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