Europe moves forward with plan to control arrival of thousands of refugees fleeing Taliban in Afghanistan


France will continue to protect
France will continue to protect “the most threatened” but “Europe alone cannot bear the consequences of the current situation,” Macron said (Photo: EFE)

The French President, Emmanuel Macron announced on Monday a European initiative to deal with “irregular migratory flows” that are feared to trigger the seizure of total control of Afghanistan by the Taliban.

In a television speech, Macron warned that “The destabilization of Afghanistan risks generating irregular migratory flows“, and said that although France will continue to protect “the most threatened”, “Europe alone cannot bear the consequences of the current situation”.

Explained that has already spoken with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and that in association also with other European countries “an initiative to build without further delay a robust, coordinated and united response” will be launched.

It will mean “The fight against irregular flows, solidarity in the effort, harmonization of protection criteria and cooperation with transit and host countries” of Afghans who can flee to Europe, such as Pakistan, Turkey and Iran.

Macron pointed out that his country was one of the few to maintain its presence in Afghanistan to protect those who worked for France (Photo: REUTERS)
Macron pointed out that his country was one of the few to maintain its presence in Afghanistan to protect those who worked for France (Photo: REUTERS)

The French president stressed that at that time “The absolute urgency is to save” the French who are still in Afghanistan, as well as “the Afghans who worked for France”.

In order to carry out this evacuation, he stated that he ordered the the sending of special forces and two military planes, which were to stop at the air base that France has in the United Arab Emirates. They will be there “in the next few hours” and will act “in close coordination with the US military”.

Macron pointed out that your country was one of the few to have maintained its presence in Afghanistan to protect those who worked for France, and in this regard, he recalled that It has already welcomed 800 people on its territory. In addition, they continue to be “fully mobilized” to help “dozens of others” who are still there.

France had been militarily involved in Afghanistan since the end of 2001 The United States launched the international operation against the Taliban regime in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 and until its withdrawal in late 2014.

Taliban fighters stand guard at a border post in Farah, Afghanistan (Photo: REUTERS)
Taliban fighters stand guard at a border post in Farah, Afghanistan (Photo: REUTERS)

He did so, according to Macron, “in solidarity with (his) American friends and allies” and with the aim of “fighting a terrorist threat”.

He insisted that this fight “was fair”, in which “France had only one enemy, terrorism” and that at no time was there any mention of “replacing the sovereignty” of the Afghans or “imposing democracy from abroad” in a message to the Taliban.

However, He also warned that “Afghanistan must not once again become the sanctuary for terrorism that it was” And to avoid this, everything will be done to ensure that the European Union, the United States and Russia work together towards this goal.

Also He noted that although the fate of Afghanistan is in the hands of its people, he does not give up supporting civil society because “the Afghan people have the right to live in safety and with respect for each other. afghan women they have the right to live in freedom and dignity ”.

(With information from EFE)

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Why the massive Taliban advance took place and what are the global consequences
Who are the Taliban leaders taking back power in Afghanistan
Being a woman under the power of the Taliban: a moving testimony

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