Europe warns the United States about serious retaliation if it imposes tariffs on cars


The European Union (EU) warned the United States against the devastating consequences for the US economy if Washington imposed tariffs on the import of foreign vehicles.

This warning comes in a particularly tense context, after US President Donald Trump accused the EU Sunday of being "probably as bad as China" in the # 39, commercial arena.

On June 22, Trump threatened to impose a 20% customs tariff on Subsequently, the president attempted to replicate the entry into force of additional customs duties imposed by the government. Europe to dozens of American products.

This European measure was in turn a reprisal. at the 25% tariffs on steel and 10% on the aluminum that Washington has imposed on these products exported by some countries of the world, some of them According to the EU, the United States risk retaliation from their trading partners that could affect US products worth $ 294 billion, if Trump meets his threat of imposing tariffs on foreign vehicles.

In a letter to the North American authorities, the European Commission considers that the retaliatory measures taken by the EU and other Washington trading partners could affect US badets up to " $ 294 billion ", that is, 19% of total US exports in 2017.

The Commission states that:" The economic badysis confirms that an increase in customs on these products will primarily harm the US economy ".

The EU also recalls that European carmakers have been important contributors to the US economy, and that "they are well established in the United States, producing" 2, 9 million vehicles in 2017, that is, 26% of the country's total output.

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