Europe will have a covid passport | It has been approved by the Par …


The European Parliament (EP) has given the green light to the coronavirus digital certificate to allow travelers to prove their state of health: if they have been vaccinated, if they have had the disease and have been discharged from the hospital, or if they have an updated negative PCR result. The objective is to boost tourism for Europeans for the summer season.

The initiative, which was approved by 546 votes in favor, 93 against and 51 abstentions, represents a new step in the legislative process so that this document it comes into force on July 1, although several countries, including Spain, already use it.

The green light from the European Parliament on Wednesday confirms the outcome of the negotiations that the Council (the EU countries) and the Parliament held during the month of May.

These negotiations resulted in a commitment by member states to commit to try not to impose additional restrictions on certificate holders.

Anyway Governments continue to reserve the right to apply other measures, such as quarantines or PCR on arrival, In the event of a worsening of the health situation, they will have to ensure that these are proportionate restrictions and inform the European institutions and citizens well in advance of their coverage, duration and justification.

The certificate it will not be equivalent to a passport, Since it will be possible to travel without him to Europe, but this will facilitate entry into other countries and allow exemptions from quarantines, testing on arrival or other measures, which many countries are starting already to be announced.

It can be obtained in physical or digital format and will be completely free. Some countries have already launched it, such as Spain, which started broadcasting them on June 7.


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