European and American evacuations continue from Kabul airport – Telam


Kabul airport is full of foreigners and Afghans who wish to leave the country.  (Photo: AFP)

Kabul airport is full of foreigners and Afghans who want to leave the country. (Photo: AFP)

The evacuations of diplomats, Afghans and foreigners from Kabul airport, the only point of entry and exit from the country, have gradually resumed after scenes of chaos last Monday, where at least five people diedafter the takeover of power by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

“Operations at the (Kabul) airport are gradually resuming,” said Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Jens Stoltenberg after a meeting in which the dispatch of “additional planes” was determined to guarantee the evacuations, according to the AFP news agency.

Despite the already announced withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, with a deadline of September 11, The number of US troops at the Afghan airport is expected to increase from 3,000 to 6,000, with the aim of facilitating the departure of US civilian personnel and Afghan allies.

The United States is not the only country to carry out repatriation

The attempt to get out of Afghanistan is stifling.

The attempt to get out of Afghanistan is stifling.

Espaa He sent a plane to Dubai on Tuesday to repatriate staff from his Kabul embassy.

“The first Dutch left Kabul,” tweeted the Foreign Minister of Netherlands, Sigrid Kaag.

Czech Republic already repatriated more than 140 people in two military flights.

On Tuesday, 41 French and foreigners left Kabul for France.

For its part, Germany He was able to evacuate only 7 people out of the hundreds who were waiting to travel, and he blames the Taliban for having hindered departures.

Austria and Romania They also indicated that their citizens who are considering evacuating are having difficulty accessing the airport.

Afghans who want to leave

As for the Afghans trying to flee the new Taliban government, some countries will welcome them as refugees.

US plans to evacuate more than 30,000 people by airlift between Kabul and bases in Kuwait and Qatar.

France continues to send military planes between Paris and the Afghan capital goes the United Arab Emirates, in which 184 Afghans have been rescued.

Germany accuses Taliban of blocking access at Kabul airport to prevent the evacuation of some 10,000 Afghans who collaborated with the German army or NGOs, as well as members of their families, according to a report by Chancellor Angela Merkel.

For its part, North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo They announced that they would also welcome Afghan refugees.


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