European elections: in the UK, parties rejecting Brexit have added more votes


The forces in favor of permanence in the bloc exceeded the pro Brexit parties by 40.4% against 34.9%. Source: Reuters – Credit: Henry Nicholls

SOUTHAMPTON.- At first sight, at the election of the
European Parliament, the figures in the

United Kingdom

they gave the victory to the party of


of the
Europhobe Nigel Farage (who will have 29 deputies in the new legislature) while the explicitly pro-European sectors (liberal Democrats, Greens and others) have left a few percentage points behind.

"It looks like it will be a big win for the party of
Brexit, "Farage told reporters in southern England, adding," I hope the
The government has understood the mbadive message. "

However, a closer reading of the vote shows that the result was not as favorable to the exit of the

European Union

as we thought. According to what was published by the newspaper
The Guardian, united, the forces in favor of maintaining the block outperformed the Brexit parties by 40.4% against 34.9%.

Together, the blocks in favor of a break with Europe, the Brexit Party and Ukip, could not defeat the Liberal Democratic Party, the Greens, UK Change, Plaid Cymru and SNP, which wish to stay in the union.

"We are the big party of permanence and we will fight for a second referendum and to cancel the possibility of a" no deal "," said Vince Cable, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, who won the second place.

The forces in favor of permanence in the bloc exceeded the pro Brexit parties by 40.4% against 34.9%.
The forces in favor of permanence in the bloc exceeded the pro Brexit parties by 40.4% against 34.9%.

The European elections were held in anger by the fact that the Prime Minister

Theresa May,

who already announced his resignation, could not get the UK out of the EU. In this context, the country was divided on divorce, almost three years after a referendum in 2016, during which 52% of the vote voted in favor of the bloc's exit.

The UK should have left the bloc on March 29, but is still a member of the EU and its politicians are still discussing the timing, timing or even possible departure of the club country to which he joined in 1973. Even the possibility of a second The referendum is gaining strength.

May announced Friday that he was resigning, which caused him great regret to leave office without having fulfilled his main promise: to remove the UK from the community bloc and correct his divisions. He took office just after the resignation of David Cameron, the former prime minister, who had left the government after the referendum because he supported the permanence and not the exit, victorious in the referendum.

At present, the British will have to face the fight that broke out to succeed May at Downing Street. The most prominent names on the list of possible candidates are Boris Johnson, former Secretary of Foreign Affairs, who enjoys strong support within the Conservative base; Dominic Raab, the former secretary of Brexit who was an energetic critic of May for the way he faced the departure process; Jeremy Hunt, Johnson's successor as secretary and fervent supporter of Brexit; Sajid Javid, the Secretary of the Interior who voted against Brexit in 2016 but then changed position; and Andrea Leadsom, former Speaker of the House of Commons and supporter of divorce with the European Union.

The forces in favor of permanence in the bloc exceeded the pro Brexit parties by 40.4% against 34.9%.
The forces in favor of permanence in the bloc exceeded the pro Brexit parties by 40.4% against 34.9%. Source: AFP

Reuters and AP agencies


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