European elections: won the right, developed the greens and lost the eurosceptics


The elections to the European Parliament of this Sunday, May 26 supposed the end of bipartisanship in the institutions of the European Union (EU) divided between the European People's Party (EPP, right) and the Social Democrats of the PES. Environmental forces increased sharply as the slight increase in Eurosceptics did not put the pro-European majority in danger, according to projections.

The The EPP has been imposed as the first force in the European Parliament and get 178 seats out of 751, followed by Social Democrats with 152, Liberals with 108 and environmentalists with 67. The three Eurosceptic groups, whether right-wing or conservative, should collect 169 deputies.

The right-wing EPP troops lost 38 seats they had at the end of the legislature and the Socialists fell by 33, so they would need to rely on the Liberals (+39) or the environmentalists (+15) to reach a majority and distribute the high positions of the block. In the Eurosceptic sector, the Europe of nations and freedoms, to which belong the far-right parties of Italian Matteo Salvini and French Marine Le Pen, would pbad from 36 deputies to 55 deputies .

European elections: the far right has advanced but less than expected

The Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy, where the ultra-nationalist nationalist Nigel Farage is located, would rise by 11 out of 53 seats, while the European conservatives and reformists, where the British "conservatives" are located, would lose 16 seats. The radical left, on the other hand, would lose 13 benches up to 39.

Although the EPP is the party with the most seats, the symbolic winners of election day were undoubtedly the ecologists, which has recorded a historic breakthrough in the major EU countries. In these last elections, the climate emergency was set up as a crucial issue for many, especially for the young population.

In Germany, the country with the largest number of deputies in the House, the green group they got 21% of the votes, twice as many as five years ago. In France, environmentalists surprised by becoming the third force, with 12% of the vote, while in Austria, Ireland, Holland or the Scandinavian countries, they settled at 10% or so.

The European People's Party (EPP, on the right) and the Social Democrats of the PES have lost an absolute majority

With these results, the Greens with the Liberals could provide key seats for the appointment of members of the European Commission and its president. It would be something new in the European Parliament where up to now the moderate right and the Social Democrats had at least half the number of seats and allies for the posts.

As for the eurosceptic wave, it did not reach several countries of the continent or was less powerful than expected. Spain, Portugal, Ireland, the Netherlands, Denmark or the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) The EU is synonymous with freedom and prosperity.



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