European powers recognize Guaidó as president of Venezuela | Chronic


Countries in favor

The main countries of the European Union (EU), including Spain, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark, have recognized Juan Guaidó "in charge" of Venezuela, in a coordinated movement after having exceeded the eight-day deadline Nicolás Maduro call elections to get out of the crisis.

"On this day, and without any steps being taken in this direction (by the convening of elections) by the Maduro regime, the Spanish Government announces that it officially recognizes the President of the Assembly of Venezuela, Mr. Guaidó Márquez, Head of Venezuela ", said the Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez.

The government of #Spain will promote the international contact group created by the EU to support # Venezuela in the call for free and democratic elections.
We will devote all our efforts to the peace, freedom and concord of the Venezuelan people.

– Pedro Sánchez (@sanchezcastejon)
February 4, 2019

Seven of the 28 countries of the European Union (EU) had issued an ultimatum to Maduro to call elections under the threat of recognizing as acting president Guaidó, 35, president of the National Assembly (Parliament), with a majority of the opposition. .

"Maduro has not called a presidential election in the eight days we have set.The UK and its European allies now recognize Juan Guaidó as acting constitutional president until credible elections can be organized "., said the British Foreign Minister, Jeremy Hunt, on Twitter, after the announcement of the Government of Madrid.

Nicolas Maduro has not called for the presidential election within a period of 8 days that we have set. So the United Kingdom alongside the European allies now recognizes @not a word as interim constitutional president until credible elections can be organized. Hope this brings us closer to the end of the humanitarian crisis

– Jeremy Hunt (@Jeremy_Hunt)
February 4, 2019

The horizon is clear: organize elections as soon as possible, free, democratic, with guarantees and without exclusions, during which Venezuelans decide their future without fear, pressure or threat. It is the people of Venezuela who must decide its future, "said the Spanish executive director.

Sánchez pointed out that the links between Spain and Latin America are "very deep" and added that his government would devote its efforts "contribute to the realization of the freedom, prosperity and harmony of all Venezuelans. "

"We will not back down in our efforts, Spain will live up to expectations," insisted the Socialist leader, who also announced that his country had the intention to promote the country. European Union and the United Nations. a "Plan of humanitarian aid aimed at alleviating the serious crisis experienced by Venezuelans".

Moreover, the Spanish Prime Minister explained that he was going to promote the "international contact group" created by the EU for "to accompany" political and electoral process in Venezuela and that to this end, it intends to collaborate also with other Ibero-American countries, including the "Lima group", which includes Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Canada, Chile and Mexico.

Previously, the French, Swedish and Danish governments had recognized the legitimacy of Guaidó, then joined Spain, Lithuania, Germany, Portugal and Austria, including the Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, had so far manifested some reluctance to recognize the Speaker of the National Assembly, which prevented a joint statement from the EU.

The scheme #Maduro refused to accept a free and fair presidential election so far. For this reason, we consider the President from that moment @not a word acting acting president in accordance with the Venezuelan Constitution.

– Sebastian Kurz (@sebastiankurz)
February 4, 2019

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said today in statements to France Inter that "the president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, whose legitimacy is perfectly recognized, has the right to call presidential elections".

In addition, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, published a tweet in Spanish in which he supported this position: "Venezuelans have the right to express themselves freely and democratically, France recognizes Juan Guaidó as" president in charge "of the implementation of an electoral process, and we support the contact group created with the EU in this transition period.

Venezuelans have the right to express themselves freely and democratically. France recognizes @not a word as "president in charge" to implement an electoral process. We support the contact group, created with the EU, in this transition period.

– Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron)
February 4, 2019

After being proclaimed interim president of Venezuela on January 23 by the National Assembly, Guaidó was recognized and supported automatically by the United States, Canada and several Latin American countries, including the United States. 39; Argentina.

Maduro, who accuses Guiadó of seeking a "foreign intervention" with the support of the US President, Donald Trump, has the support of Russia, China and Turkey.

Thus, the countries favoring the Guaidó order are as follows: Spain, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Sweden, Portugal, Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Luxembourg.

The Venezuelan government has announced that it will review bilateral relations with European countries that have recognized the opposition leader, Guaidó, as the president in charge of the South American country.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said expect a rectification of these countries and asked them to give up their support for "coup plans".

"The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela urges European governments to embark on a path of moderation and balance, so that they can contribute constructively to a peaceful, political means. and in dialogue to resolve the differences between Venezuelan political forces ", he explained.

Countries against

The government of the Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, rejected the ultimatum of the European Union and announced its support for the mediation proposed by Mexico and Uruguay, which Maduro sees favorably, in order to facilitate the resolution of the crisis in Venezuela.

Contrary to the stance adopted by the powers of the European Union (EU), the Italian government maintains its position of non-interference in the Venezuelan conflict despite internal pressures and the bloc of the EU.

On a day marked by the announcement of many European countries, the position of the Italian government, a coalition of the Five-Star Movement with the Northern League, of the far right, has given the obligation to remain silent on the issue .

"There can be no uncertainty or doubt: the choice is between the will of the people and the desire for genuine democracy, on the one hand, and on the other, the violence of force. " badured the Italian president, Sergio Mattarella, in a message launched directly to Matteo Salvini and Luigi di Maio, the two vice-presidents of Italy representing the two sectors of the government coalition.

Matarello has become the main visible face of those who dispute the position taken by the Italian government on the crisis in Venezuela, which was made clear last week when Italian MEPs from the League and the M5E abstained in the vote of the European Parliament that he recognized Guaidó appointed acting president by the National Assembly (Parliament), with a majority opposition to the Maduro government.

"Italy does not recognize Guaidó because we are totally opposed to the fact that a group or group of third countries may determine the internal policies of another country"said the deputy foreign minister last Thursday, Manlio Di Stefanowho called "to avoid" commit "the same mistake" than in Libya.

The Italian president took advantage of the inauguration of an immigrant center to appeal to the humanitarian situation of the Caribbean country and said that "Speaking of migration, we can not think of the most important phenomenon now in the eyes of all, that of Venezuela. "

"More than two million people have fled their country in search of temporary asylum" in others in the region, he said, considering that the Venezuelan situation "It requires a sense of responsibility and clarity about a line shared with everyone" the allies and partners of Italy.

The pressure for Rome to join the majority position was also exercised by the President of the European Parliament, the Italian President Antonio Tajani, who called on EU countries that do not recognize Guaidó to do so now.

Thus, countries opposed to Guaidó intervention are: Mexico, Uruguay, Cuba, Nicaragua, Russia and Italy.


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