European powers recognize Juan Guaidó as president in charge of Venezuela – 04/02/2019


As expected, most European governments left on Monday for recognizes Juan Guaidó as president in charge of Venezuela, at the end of the eight-day ultimatum according to which Spain, the United Kingdom, France and Germany had asked Nicolás Maduro to call for "transparent" elections .

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There is no declaration from the European Union but from each country because Italy has blocked the formal recognition of the blockRight-wing extremists in La Liga (near Moscow) and 5-star populists have rejected diplomacy by signing a joint document negotiated this weekend.

The Italian veto prevents European recognition, as foreign policy decisions in the EU are taken unanimously.

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France took the lead with Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who announced in an interview on the radio: "Guaidó is qualified to organize presidential elections," he said. .

French President Emmanuel Macron wrote on Twitter: "Venezuelans have the right to freely and democratically express themselves. France recognizes Juan Guaidó as "president in charge" to implement an electoral process. "

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Macron is one of the few to have referred to the "contact group" created by several countries in Europe and Latin America, to which he lent his support.

President Pedro Sánchez appeared in Madrid in front of the press: "The Spanish government officially announces the recognition of Juan Guaidó as president of Venezuela. as soon as possible, free, democratic, with guarantees and without exclusion. Venezuela must have its own destiny"

The Spanish Executive Director spoke at La Moncloa. (Europa Press)

The Spanish Executive Director spoke at La Moncloa. (Europa Press)

Sanchez also said his government will "promote the contact group set up by the European Union to accompany Venezuela in the call for free and democratic elections" and that it will devote its efforts " at to achieve the peace, freedom and harmony of the Venezuelan people"

A few minutes later, British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt tweeted: "Maduro has not announced any elections in the 8 days we have given him, so the UK and its European allies recognize Juan Guaidó as Acting Constitutional President until the holding of credible elections. Hope this brings us closer to the end of the humanitarian crisis"

Nicolas Maduro has not called for the presidential election within a period of 8 days that we have set. So the United Kingdom alongside the European allies now recognizes @not a word as interim constitutional president until credible elections can be organized. Hope this brings us closer to the end of the humanitarian crisis

– Jeremy Hunt (@Jeremy_Hunt) February 4, 2019

Germany joined shortly before noon, with the same formula: to recognize Guaidó as "interim president".

Other countries have been added: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, the Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.

Moscow issued a statement to denounce "Interference" of European governments in Venezuela.

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The Spanish, German and British diplomats had lobbied over the weekend with their European partners for recognition to be common, but the Italian position and the doubts of other governments prevented it.

The recognition of Guaidó could be accompanied by more steps against Nicolás Maduro's environment because the "Chancellor" European Federica Mogherini has already announced Friday that if Maduro did not hold elections, the EU would strengthen its arsenal of sanctions.

18 people from the hierarchy under the Venezuelan regime are in the blacklist of the bloc, which is also in force an embargo on weapons or any material likely to be used in the repression.

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Mogherini may travel to Montevideo on Thursday, where the first session (at the level of foreign ministers) of the contact group on Venezuela announced by the European Union will be held.

The participants will be German, English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese and Swedish, as well as four countries from Latin America: Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Uruguay, host country. Brussels wants the Mexican government to join as well.

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