European Union, UN call for justice in Bolivia after 2019 crisis report


Images of protests in 2019 (Photo: REUTERS)
Images of protests in 2019 (Photo: REUTERS)

The delegation of the European Union (EU) and the United Nations system in that country promised on Wednesday that the report of the IACHR Group of Experts on the 2019 Crisis Let justice be done in the face of detected violations.

The EU highlighted the presentation of the report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) on the events of 2019 in Bolivia.

We hope that this report will allow us to move forward and deliver justice in a transparent manner., implementing its recommendations, and that the dignity of victims be recognized with the full reparation that is proposed ”, he declared.

The European delegation also considered that the GIEI report “can and must be one more tool to achieve reconciliation“In Bolivia and reiterated its support”to any initiative that contributes to peaceful coexistence and dialogue among Bolivians”.

For its part, the United Nations system in Bolivia expressed its “trust that recommendations“Produced by the group of experts”translate into concrete actions that make it possible to fulfill the desire for justice and reparation measures for all victims”.

The delegation of the European Union (EU) and the United Nations system in that country has vowed that the report of the IACHR's expert group on the 2019 crisis helps to do justice (Photo: REUTERS)
The delegation of the European Union (EU) and the United Nations system in that country has vowed that the report of the IACHR’s expert group on the 2019 crisis helps to do justice (Photo: REUTERS)

The body also expressed its disposition “continue to support the State and society in the consolidation of peace and respect“To the human rights of Bolivians”without any distinction”.

The GIEI report presented this week concluded that there was “serious human rights violations“During the social and political crisis of the last quarter of 2019.

The document considered “fundamental“Move forward with the investigations and processes for these events, although he also warned against”serious shortcomings“From the Bolivian State to guarantee the”independence and autonomy”Of the Judicial Body and the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Bolivia remains embroiled in a controversy between the ruling party, which assures that then-president Evo Morales was overthrown in a coup in 2019, and its detractors, who argue that the crisis is a consequence of the crisis. allegations of fraud in favor of the former president in that year’s failed general election, which was subsequently quashed.

The GIEI clarified that its report did not address the question of whether there had been fraud in the failed 2019 elections or a coup. against Morales.

Despite this, the government of Luis Arce He said the report confirmed the existence of a “coup”, while the opposition called for judicial reform to ensure impartiality in the investigations into these events.

(With information from EFE)

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