European Union warns there is a “global shortfall” in vaccine production


Struck by the second hello from coronavirus and the new british strain, the European Union (EU) recognized this Saturday January 2 a “overall insufficiency“In the capacity of production of vaccines against Covid-19 and says she is “ready to help” increase it.

The start of the vaccination campaigns in Europe continental triggered many critical for its slowness, especially in France, or by the fact that medical personnel are not vaccinated as a priority, as happens in Germany.

“These difficulties, for the moment, are not due to the volume of orders, but to the insufficiency on a global scale of the production capacity. BioNTech“, explained the European Commissioner for Health, Stella Kyruakides., quoted by the German agency DPA.

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After the first order in November 200 million doses of the vaccine developed by the American Pfizer and German BioNTech laboratory, the EU exercised a option to purchase an additional 100 million by 2021.

The vaccination campaign started last weekend in Los 27 EU countries, after the European health authorities gave Green light on Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the first licensed in continental Europe, the agency reported Telam.

“The EU funded BioNTech very early on, some 100 million to develop its production capacities (…). The situation will improve little by little “, assured Kyriakides.” We are again ready to contribute to increasing production capacities“he added.

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BioNTech plans to launch a new manufacturing unit in Marburg (Germany), which should allow manufacture around 250 million doses extra of first semester 2021, he explained to the newspaper on Friday The mirror, Ugur Sahin, co-director of the laboratory.

In addition to Pfizer-BioNTech, the EU has also signed contracts for vacunas with AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi-GSK, Moderna y CureVac. But stay did not authorize any of the immunizing products of these five laboratories.



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