Evacuated by an uncontrolled fire in California – News


A violent forest fire in California, United States, has so far touched over 2,500 hectares and forced the evacuation of hundreds of people.

Sonoma County, north of the US state, issued a mandatory evacuation order Wednesday night for everyone in the area, from Geysers Road to the residential area where Hollywood actors live.

As the fire burned, wind gusts of up to 122 km / h occurred, said the National Meteorological Service.

Authorities said the incident was not under control Thursday and that additional evacuations could be arranged as the fire worsens.

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The fire began the same day that California's largest utilities company began a new series of intentional power outages to prevent its equipment from causing wildfires.

There are red flag warnings for more than 25 million people in northern and southern California, which means that high temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds will increase the chances of flying. 39; fire.

Report by Cynthia Zak.


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