Evangelical pastor pretended to be crushed when discovered at underground mass


Evangelical pastor who was discovered giving a mock underground mass run over by a police car in the city of Los Angeles, Biobío region, Chile.

The complicated health situation that Chile is going through due to the coronavirus pandemic has led the authorities to put in place a strict quarantine, so that the practice of religious rituals is prohibited.

But the religious leader decided to hold a mass in the temple he owns at his home. Alerted by neighbors, authorities went to the scene and deactivated the event, but not before having had a discussion with some of those involved.

In the recording, the man can be seen how the man pretended to be hit by the back of a truck and gave a heart-rending cry. He then lay down under the vehicle and grabbed onto the vehicle’s bumper.

Mirna Gutiérrez, deputy provincial delegate of the Regional Secretariat of the Ministry of Health, related the official version: “When the inspection of our personnel was carried out, accompanied by officials of the army, when the participants in this activity nun run, an incident occurred. The pastor and some of the assistants attacked the military personnel and our inspectors, who had to leave the premises while the PDI (investigative police) arrived to provide support and arrest the attackers ”.

Gutiérrez confirmed that a summary will be opened against the accused.

The religious leader who faked a traffic accident and two of the collaborators were arrested and charged with violating health protocols and resisting authority.

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