Events in Chile: confirm that there are already 11 dead in the streets of Santiago


Diego Velásquez, second commander of the fire department of Santiago, reported on Monday: "Unfortunately, five bodies were found inside the factory, products of this fire"he said. The facility is located in Renca, a commune in the northwest of the capital.

According to Velasquez "Neighbors said it could have been intentional" and it's "a hypothesis that is contemplated".

Incidents in Chile


In addition, two people died this Sunday when a mob ransacked and then set fire to a supermarket of industrial products in Santiago, Chile.

They are 8 dead during Sunday: five fruits of a fire in a clothing store in the town of Renca and another in a fire in a supermarket on Matucana Street, Add two burnt women They were found yesterday morning in a supermarket in the municipality of Santiago de San Bernardo, which was ransacked and burned.

The Ministry of Health has reported that until now At least 10 of the more than 200 wounded are hospitalized and risk life. In the meantime, they would be 1,472 arrested.

The militarization of the country ordered by President Sebastián Piñera, has increased over the past few hours to try to control the violent excesses caused by therepression of security forces in the wave of protest unleashed by the rise of the metro that has extended to a large number of requests.


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