Everything is ready for the third international stop of women | Chronic


Popular feminist organizations, labor, neighborhood, social, student and political organizations of Argentina and other countries have begun their preparatory meetings for the International Women's Strike (PIM), to be held for the third year consecutively March 8 170 nations from all continents.

"In this third year, it's interesting to think that the International Women's Stoppage is a political process and not a timing moment", He said on Wednesday Veronica Gago, teacher and member of "NiUnaMenos", which participates in the international coordination of the IMP.

Gago has badessed that "each year is accompanied by an accumulation of forces, discussions and slogans increasingly complex and increasingly wide".

Beyond the meetings held during the year, specific meetings on actions during the strike start in February, "They work as a sounding board for all the social conflicts that go through each country"Gago said.

In the national call through the networks (Facebook: International Women's Stoppage – Argentina and Twitter @ParodemujeresA), the coordination of the IMP-Argentina indicates that it is "a concrete action (…) against harbadment, group violations, lesbicides, feminicides, transfemicidios and all forms of exploitation and violence against women, bads, transbaduals and trans and against all the crimes of I hate.

Some cities such as Campana, the cities of Coronda and Rosario in Santa Fe, held their first organizational meetings last weekend, while others started at Jeuves.

In Corrientes, the rendezvous is set at 6.30 pm on Plaza Vera (San Juan 871), as in San Juan at 19 years old in Parque Bicentenario (Avenida Jose Ignacio de la Roza Oeste 712-774); in Mendoza, the meeting will take place on Friday 8 to 18 hours in SUTE (Coronel Plaza 556).

In Buenos Aires, they will also start on Friday the 8th at Mutual Sentimiento (Lacroze 4100, Chacarita), the same venue as the previous two years, and will take place every Friday at the same time, until March 1st included.

Around the world, this type of organizational meeting took place: in Spain, for example, on January 25, more than 500 women met in Valencia for 8 million.

"In the United States, the organization of the women's strike is very strong thanks to actions such as the teachers' strike that is taking place in different districts: Chile has a strong coordination of strike, as in Germany", describes Gago, who stated that "the first year, they were 55 and in 2018 this figure tripled ".

The PIM, in English International Women & # 39; s Strike (IWS), is a movement created at the end of October 2016 to face the violence suffered by women.


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