Everything That Happened In The United States: The Day The World’s Greatest Democracy Rocked


he United States Capitol, Situated in Washington, was mired in chaos and violence in the afternoon of last Wednesday, after dozens of followers of Donald trump they entered the compound by force.

Jump barricades, dodge officers and break windows, protesters managed to get into Congress. Inside, a ceremony for enshrine the electoral triumph of Joe Biden it has been accomplished.

A few minutes before the disaster, the outgoing president had called to reverse the results obtained during the electoral process of November 3.

The mere ratification of the elections was reason enough to riots will start inside the room. The police tried to contain the entry of the citizens, at the same time as they protected the lawmakers who remained there.

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Protesters entered the compound, preventing certification of election results.

Amid the confusion, a woman died after being shot and others were injured. Some members of Congress were evacuated while others were ordered to don gas masks and drop to the ground. Police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.

When the violence became unstoppable, Trump ordered the National Guard go to the Capitol. Him too FBI has been deployed, as well as the National Marshals Service.

Then the doors of Senate they were locked down and senators were asked to stay clear of the area. Minutes later, control of the Capitol has been restored.

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Police forces, with the help of the National Guard and the FBI, succeeded in re-establishing control of the Capitol.

For her part, the mayor of Washington DC, Muriel bowser, ordered a 12-hour curfew in the city from 6 p.m. local time. Special forces have confirmed that they found several improvised explosive devices on the Capitol grounds.

Five weapons were also recovered and around 13 arrests were made. Neither person was a resident of the district.

Hours later, the US Senate resumed its certification session of the Democrat’s presidential victory. At the opening of the session, Mike Pence deplored a “dark day” and condemned the “violence” recorded.

“Even after the unprecedented violence and vandalism on this Capitol, the elected representatives of the people of the United States meet again today to defend the Constitution,” he said.

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The United States Senate session resumed hours after the incidents.



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