“Everything that needed to be done has already been done”


Leaving the hotel where he has been staying since Monday morning, in the autonomous city of Mexico, Alberto Fernández made a brief statement to Bugle which shows a clear intention to focus on the trip he made at the invitation of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

He’s trying to turn the page on the VIP vaccination scandal. who worked at the Posadas hospital and the Ministry of Health, in which officials, friends and relatives applied the Sputnik V vaccine. And for which he asked his friend and former minister Ginés González García to resign.

“Everything that needed to be done has already been done”said the president Bugle, who approached him before leaving for the Liomont laboratory where part of the AstraZeneca vaccine is produced, the active ingredient of which is manufactured at MabXience in Argentina. By the time he went to the laboratory, after noon here, the government had already published the list of people vaccinated at the Posadas hospital.

This Tuesday, at 6:45 a.m., Alberto F. will be received by López Obrador at the National Palace where the two will have a working breakfast, they will participate together in the classic “Mañaneras”, the particular and prolonged press conferences given by the Mexican president. For many, it’s a smart way to anticipate mainstream headlines by putting official networks front and center.

Curiously, on Monday AMLO had two somewhat cold attitudes towards the Argentine president, his ally and guest of honor during the celebrations of the 200 years of Mexico’s independence from Spain, this Wednesday 24 in Iguala, State of Guerrero.

In the first place, he had agreed to accompany him to Liomont’s laboratory, and on the fly, he suspended his presence there “because of scheduling problems”, it happened. He sent Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard. Although Mexicans never gave the reasons, it happened as the VIP vaccination scandal was building up in Argentina.

Worse yet, in key inside Mexico, a country with 2.4 million infected and 180,000 dead, and the start of a pandemic in which the president joined deniers of the same, AMLO made a statement particular in his “Mañanera” on Monday.

He said that in his country there would be “vaccines for everyone” and that in Mexico There was “no” preference for anyone. He added: “And that’s obvious. Covid handed us over to government officials at the highest level, the President, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of Defense, Undersecretary in charge of the Covid campaign. . And many others “. He ended without referring to Argentina or any other state: “There was no abuse (he refers to his country), this whole situation which has occurred in several countries of which there is a secret vaccination, for those above. This is very important this, because above all was the influencer ”, added.

Still when Bugle He asked him what he expected from his meeting with AMLO, he replied: “I have the best expectations and that everything is going well.”

In the president’s team, they stressed that Fernández is “calm”, that he is following the issue closely and that he has left his chief of staff, Santiago Cafiero, and the new Minister of Defense in charge. of the crisis due to the vaccine scandal. with privileges. Greetings, Carla Vizzotti.

With a strong cordon of protection to the president, the Argentinian delegation considered here in front of this newspaper that the government is doing “everything so that the management of the vaccine is transparent”, at least now.

They consider that having fired González García and having made known the list of those who were vaccinated at the Posadas is proof that they acted quickly. In this train, a man very close to the president complained that the deputy Eduardo Valdés – the friend of Fernández – and the senator Jorge Taiana justify in a statement their presence at the parallel vaccination center set up within the ministry of health. “They didn’t understand anything,” he said.

This Monday, Alberto Fernández he was meeting a group of politicians from the Mexican left at the Argentine embassy. The meeting was hosted by the former Minister of Labor and today Ambassador Carlos Tomada. In the evening, Tata Martino, the Argentine who leads the Mexican national team, had a private dinner, and in which he is doing very well.

This Tuesday after AMLO, he will see the Mexican magnate Carlos Slim and Argentine businessmen. He will also go to the Senate.

Alberto F. arrived by private flight in Mexico. He is accompanied by a discreet entourage: his partner Fabiola Yáñez; Ministers Felipe Solá (Foreign Affairs) and Martín Guzmán (Economy), the Secretary General of the Presidency, Julio Vitobello and the Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Gustavo Béliz. Also his advisor Ricardo Forster; the secretary for international economic relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Neme and his chief of staff, Guillermo Cháves.

Also watch

Eduardo Duhalde and Daniel Scioli, on a list of the VIP vaccination center of the Posadas hospital


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