Evidence of spying at the court | Exclusive: confi …


The study partner of the President of the Supreme Court, Carlos Rosenkrantz, confirmed yesterday, in fact, that the group that composed Marcelo D'Alessio spied on the members of the highest court. Gabriel Bouzat testified before judge Alejo Ramos Padilla and showed him a list of his travels abroad, a pay slip that Dolores 's judge discovered during the search of the fake lawyer' s home. But, in addition, Bouzat has confirmed the credibility of the list: he must verify the data with the help of his pbadport, but there are destinations such as Panama, Paraguay, Dubai, London, the United States. Germany and many others to which partner Rosenkrantz went.

The declaration of Bouzat significantly aggravates the lawsuit to Dolores. The magistrate summoned the study partner Rosenkrantz, because there is information not only about the two members of the Court, but also about this partner. But, moreover, it is no longer a question for Alessio to tell Hugo Rolando Barreiro the spy, as he pbaded and look at his computer, that "(Horacio) Rosatti and (to) Carlos) Rosenkranz will not be able to explain how they traveled so much Panama and Miami ". Bouzat has been shown a concrete list, found in research, and the data correspond to reality.

The payroll was in a file with the name STN, Security Team Network (STN). This name appears on Google as follows: "Security Team Network S.A is a company founded in 2009 by Israeli citizens residing in Argentina for the purpose of distributing high technology security products developed and manufactured in Israel." On the STN website, there is an address on Corrientes Street at 11 o'clock. It will be necessary to see if this link is real and in this case, it is not clear for whom D & # 39; Alessio did all this spying.

Until now, it was known that the band's supplier of these reports Migrations was the suspended prosecutor of Mercedes Juan Ignacio Bidone. We need to see if these data were also obtained by him and in which case with which argument, because it is very serious that Migrations accounts for the displacements of two members of the Court without solid judicial reason.

Bouzat said, "I went to the places that emerged from this document, so I went to the United States, Peru, Chile, Italy, Brazil, Great Britain, Uruguay, Germany and in other places that I can see.In 2015, I went to Cuba, via Panama, to the Biennale of Art.In 2016, I was invited by the school of Yale in Cuba and I pbaded by the airport of Panama ". This is to say that the list is real and is not one of the many inventions of D'Alessio, with high quality headers.

Everything indicates that if it is indeed espionage in Bouzat, it is the same for Rosenkranz and Rosatti. He said the list could be a trout because Rosatti has not been abroad since 2006, but sources close to the Minister of the Court said it was not the case. . Rosatti was no longer in Miami since, but she went to Mexico for a law congress. in Barcelona, ​​several times in Uruguay and makes other trips abroad.

According to the spokespersons of the Supreme Court, it is not currently under consideration to present themselves as plaintiffs in Dolores, but essentially because so far, nothing has been formal before the highest court. You can see that Ramos Padilla wants to move very carefully in something so delicate. He first quoted Bouzat and it is highly likely that, now that he has confirmed the veracity of the list, he warns Rosenkranz and Rosatti of espionage materialized by this illicit badociation.


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