Evidence that the use of double chin straps increases protection against the coronavirus


As new variants of the coronavirus spread, experts say it’s time to consider the use of medical-type masks or wearing surgical clothing and masks at the same time. Using two masks can block the leakage of more than 92% of particles potentially infectious, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

The researchers relied on the results of a laboratory experiment that separated two artificial heads about two meters apart to check how many coronavirus-sized particles, launched by one, were inhaled by the other.

They therefore found that wearing a surgical or fabric mask blocked 40% of the particles that made their way to the head when inhaled. During this time, when a fabric mask was used over a surgical mask, 92.5% of particles were blocked.

According to the study, this variant allows exposure reduced by 96.4% from the uninfected person to potentially infectious particles.

In addition, the researchers indicated that protection can be improved if the edges are folded chinstrap inward by tying the earmuff cords where they meet the mask fabric, to reduce the gaps between the skin and the mask.

“This observation suggests that the arrangements that can be made to improved fit could lead to improvementsregardless of the masks’ basic filtration efficiency, ”the researchers explained.

The CDC tested knotless medical masks (A), two overlapping masks (B), and a tied medical mask (C).  Photo: CDC.

The CDC tested knotless medical masks (A), two overlapping masks (B), and a tied medical mask (C). Photo: CDC.

Chinstrap has become the icon of the coronavirus pandemic. Although initially its use was not indicated in the general population as it was considered “false sense of security”, many countries included them very early on in protective measures.

In June of last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) began recommending its use under certain circumstances (in areas of community transmission, when a minimum distance could not be maintained, among others).

At the end of 2020, the agency published an interim update to these guidelines in which, among other things, it discouraged the use of masks with valves, both among health workers and the rest of the population.

WHO has recommended that all health workers use medical masks in areas at low risk of airborne contagion (by aerosols), and those with greater protection (N95, FFP2, FFP3) in areas at higher risk , for example, care areas for covid19 patients.

Chinstrap is used as a tool to block the transmission of the disease.  Photo: Fernando la Orden

Chinstrap is used as a tool to block the transmission of the disease. Photo: Fernando la Orden

For the general public, in areas of community transmission of the coronavirus, WHO recommends the use of non-medical masks (for example, cloth ones) inside stores, offices or schools, when a physical distance of ‘at least can not be guaranteed less than one meter between those present.

However, in Argentina, the use of a chin strap is considered a complementary and not exclusive measure compared to the rest, therefore, outside the home, its use is recommended. even outside And although you can keep your distance



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