Evo Morales at La Matanza | "An honor and a joy …


Bolivian President Evo Morales is taking part this afternoon in an action in Lomas del Mirador, La Matanza, alongside the intendant Verónica Magario and the community of his country that lives in this party of Buenos Aires.

The activity of Morales is part of the visit that will officially begin tomorrow with a meeting with President Mauricio Macri, during which will be addressed issues such as the exploitation and commercialization of the gas and other sources of energy, health and the situation of Venezuela.

After landing in Argentina, Morales broke the protocols, got out of his vehicle to greet and photograph with the Bolivian residents who had gone to meet him and had waited between songs and flags near him. airport.

"Thanks to our compatriots who live in #Argentina and to the Argentinian brothers for preparing us a loving reception for tomorrow. Dear brothers, it will be an honor and a joy to meet you and to share with you in Lomas del Mirador ", tweeted the Bolivian President, while Mayor Magario spoke about his arrival, also via the social network:" We welcome to Argentina @evoespuebloPresident of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The Matanzas are proud to receive the leaders of the great Latin American homeland of our country. "


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