Evo Morales denounces a coup d'etat | Bolivia h …


In the midst of critics of the opponents who ignored the legitimacy of control that up to now gives the winner of the elections in Bolivia
, President Evo Morales denounced "a current coup" commissioned by the right and international politics. At a press conference held this morning, the president declared the state of emergency and called for a great peaceful mobilization to defend democracy.

Early in the morning, at Casa Grande del Pueblo, the president gave his first press conference after the elections during which the opposition candidate, Carlos Mesa, was imposed. By tenth of difference, the president and leader of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) confirmed his victory in the first round.

"I salute this new triumph of MAS. This is the fourth consecutive election that we have won democratically. We won with more than half a million votes compared to the second opponent. Thank you for this great triumph, "said Evo Morales first.

That said, the president then spoke directly about the criticism of the vote count. "I summoned this conference to denounce in front of the Bolivian people and the whole world that a coup d'etat was going on, which had been prepared between the right and international politics"said the president to the press.

Morales also said that until now, they had endured "with humility and patience" the issues to avoid violence and that he was not willing to engage in clashes. That is why he called "the state of emergency and the peaceful and constitutional mobilization to defend democracy".

"The coup d'etat is expressed not allowing the counting of the elections. They intimidate institutions and threaten elected candidates. They do not give guarantees, rights and opponents to the members of the county and national courts, "he said.

The call for the defense of democracy

In a message to all the Bolivian people, Evo Morales asked to organize to defend democracy. "Organized people, miners, peasants, professionals and patriots, we have recovered democracy. The people have been confronted with numerous internal and external aggression … Twenty years of agreed military and democratic dictatorships, "added Evo.

In the meantime, the president said the government is only waiting for the final report of the electoral court. And he said he was "very sure" of his victory in the first round thanks to "rural votes".

"I do not understand that some people now want to ignore this vote," he said. "I understand the despair of the Bolivian right who does not want to recognize the triumph of the indigenous vote as in the past"said the president who called on world organizations and personalities to defend democracy.

Finally, Evo Morales placed an order on the Bolivian right. "Do not be responsible for the confrontation between the Bolivians. Do not sow hatred and contempt for the popular sectors. We are a big family. We have the right to have ideological differences and respect each other. But sowing hatred and contempt and ignoring the indigenous vote means that racism is back, "said the president.

In addition, the president said that the strike triggered by the opposition would concern only the departments. "Let workers and social movements know that there is no reason to be unemployed. If it's a political strike, a strike for a coup d'etat, so I understand, but they will hurt the departments and Bolivia, "he concluded.


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