Evo Morales denounces “dirty war of disinformation against Russian vaccine”


Former president and ruling party leader Evo Morales on Sunday denounced a “dirty war of disinformation against Russian vaccine Sputnik V”, days after the Bolivian government announced an agreement to buy millions of doses from Russia .

“Thanks to the conscience of the people, we find democracy again and we have a legitimate government with allies from all over the world to fight against the coronavirus. It is a great advantage that will make possible the collaboration with Bolivia on the ideological differences that we let’s respect, ”the Ex leader tweeted.

“The dirty war of disinformation against the Russian vaccine Sputnik V that our President Luis Arce has timely guaranteed violates the people’s right to health and life. We condemn that political and economic interests attack a vaccine for ideological reasons “, he added.

This week, Arce reported that he had sealed a deal to acquire 5.2 million doses of Sputnik V that would begin arriving at the end of March.

The government hopes that between these doses and those already agreed with Covax, the mechanism created by the World Health Organization to guarantee an equitable distribution of vaccines throughout the planet, will be able to inoculate 80% of the population.

Bolivia already has more than 192,000 confirmed cases and is approaching 9,200 deaths, while experiencing a second wave of the pandemic in the most populous cities of the country.


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