Evo Morales, Maduro's last ally in the region, also takes a distance


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro delivers a speech at the closing ceremony of the Sao Paulo Forum at the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas on July 28, 2019 Source: AFP – Credit: Federico Parra

There was a time when Chavismo was an badet to campaign in Latin America, but these times seem far away now. One by one,
Venezuela's allies have begun to turn the page to stand out from Nicolás Maduro's regime, condemned by the majority of the international community. The left-wing candidate defeated in Brazil,
Fernando Haddad said that the Venezuelan government "is not democratic". Also the leftist candidate defeated in Colombia, the former guerrilla
Gustavo Petro, not only badured that the Bolivarian leader is a "dictator" but "kills".

In the last days and when there are three months left for the elections,
The Uruguayan left has opened a debate on support for the Caribbean country following statements by the Minister of the Economy and head of the moderate current of the ruling Danilo Astori, supported by the official candidate Daniel Martínez and the president. former president José Mujica. But the last to join the line was the president of Bolivia,
Evo Morales, absent from the last edition of the Forum San Pablo.

"The San Pablo Forum is clear and reliable proof that we are more united than ever, from a moral, spiritual and political point of view," Nicolás Maduro published on his Twitter account, titled The Edition XXV of "success". Forum of parties and groups of the Latin American left, has ended Sunday in Caracas and has gathered more than 700 leaders and leaders, "according to the Venezuelan president,".

The São Paulo Forum is clear and reliable proof that we are more united than ever, from a moral, spiritual and political point of view. As soon as possible, we will be able to bring together all the progressive forces in a great project that will unite our peoples.
pic.twitter.com/Lj8LwaqMsI& – Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro)
July 29, 2019

But Evo Morales, a historical ally of Venezuela, decided this time to follow the advice of the president of Brazil, the far-right party.
Jair Bolsonaro, who suggested that he's moving away from the left-wing forum. Instead, he sent a delegation led by Socialist Movement (MAS) Secretary of International Relations Juanita Ancieta. "Bolivia has not sent an official delegation to the Forum as a state," acknowledged Foreign Minister Diego Pary.

Far from its anti-imperialist statements, it seems that
Morales, who attended the inauguration of Bolsonaro and called him brother on his Twitter accounthe could change sides now that Brazil is his "strategic partner".

We accompany Brother President in his possession,
@jairbolsonaro, convinced that the relations between Bolivia and Brazil are deeply rooted in the bonds of fraternity and the complementarity of our peoples. We are strategic partners who look at the same horizon of the
#PatriaGrande. & – Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo)
January 1, 2019

Historical allies

When most countries in the Americas rejected the presidential elections held in Venezuela in May 2018 and allowed President Nicolás Maduro to triumph, a handful of Caracas allies in the region extended warm congratulations.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro shakes hands with Bolivian President Evo Morales during a meeting in Caracas, Venezuela on September 23, 2018.
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro shakes hands with Bolivian President Evo Morales during a meeting in Caracas, Venezuela on September 23, 2018. Source: Reuters

The President of Bolivia,
Evo Morales sent a message of congratulations the day after the publication of the result.. Morales has echoed the anti-American rhetoric frequently used by his counterpart, Nicolás Maduro, whom he called "brother" on Twitter.

The Venezuelan sovereign people have again triumphed over the coup d'etat and the interventionism of the American empire. Free people will never submit. Congratulations to Brother Nicolás Maduro and the brave people of Venezuela.
pic.twitter.com/bXsdIiYnK6& – Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo)
May 21, 2018

January 23 of this year,
Morales once again expressed support for his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolás Maduro, following the decision of President of the National Assembly of the country, Juan Guaidó, to proclaim himself head of state..

"We will never be a backyard in the United States," the Bolivian president wrote in a brief message posted on his Twitter account.

In February, the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, went by surprise to Venzuela in a new expression of support to President Nicolás Maduro.. The two leaders met and discussed the political crisis in the Caribbean country.

"We met with Venezuela's brother president, Nicolás Maduro, and we expressed our full support for the interventionist coup d'etat of the empire that seeks to seize Venezuelan heritage, in violation of the law. Bolivia supports dialogue to avoid clashes, "Morales said. Twitter

However, the absence of Evo Morales at the Sao Paulo Forum, to be held from 25 to 28 July in Caracas, could mean a break in the narrow "fraternity".


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