Evo Morales participated in an act with Magario and Espinoza


President Mauricio Macri will receive tomorrow at Casa Rosada at his par of Bolivia, Evo Morales, badyze the gas marketing contracts signed by the two countries, among other matters of bilateral interest.

The meeting of the two leaders will take place this Monday at noon and, after the greetings and the official photos with Macri, the two will make a joint statement without questions of the press. After that, the two heads of state will travel to the presidential office to hold a bilateral meeting, as officially announced.

"Among the issues that will be addressed during the official visit of President Morales, there are those related to gas, energy and all bilateral issues between Bolivia and Argentina," said the president. Bolivian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Diego Pary, in statements collected by the international agency AFP.

Mauricio Macri announced the measures of "relief" and went to Cordoba on vacation

Buenos Aires and La Paz have signed a natural gas purchase and sale agreement until 2026, although supply has suffered shocks due to differences in demand and supply.

Bolivia has also repeatedly called for the timely payment of energy supplies, while gas sales have fallen to nearly half of the original 22 million cubic meters per day.

Morales went to Buenos Aires on Sunday and held an afternoon meeting with the large Bolivian community that lives on the outskirts of the federal capital.

This population is estimated at one and a half million people, making it the largest migrant group in Bolivia abroad.

In addition, Morales participated this Sunday in an event organized as part of the celebration of La Matanza in Lomas del Mirador, a city of Buenos Aires and organized by the mayor of this district. Veronica Magarioand the member for Citizen Unity Fernando Espinoza. The event was held at Alberto Balestrini Municipal Sports Center, located Avenida Juan Manuel de Rosas 1413.

Evo Morales denounces the fact that Argentina has "militarized" the border with Bolivia

The Bolivian president thanked on his social networks his "compatriots living in Argentina" for "the warm welcome" that had prepared him upon his arrival in the country. Magario said Morales as "Illustrious Visitor" and remarked that "we are proud to receive our brother Evo Morales, who has become a symbol of dignity and a generation of equality for our Latin American peoples".

Prior to the meeting at Casa Rosada, Morales and Macri will be transferred to the El Palomar military airport to see the Pampa III plane, manufactured by FADEA, that Argentina will deliver to the neighboring country. as part of the gas deal.

For his part, Pary also said Monday's meeting would discuss "the strengthening of the Paraná-Paraguay waterway", a route to the Atlantic that Bolivia intends to focus on for its trade of 39, import and export.

In this regard, the Government of Morales wishes to reduce its dependence on the ports of Arica and Iquique, located in Chile, a country with which Bolivia has historical differences over border issues and its exit into Bolivia. sea.

According to information gathered, another topic that could be addressed at the meeting is a reciprocal agreement to provide free health care on both sides of the border.

The possibility for Bolivia to join the organization of the 2030 Football World Cup, which Argentina intends to complete with Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile.

Morales had suspended his visit to Buenos Aires three times (once in 2017 and twice in 2018), in the context of a distant relationship with Macri because of differences in their ideological profiles.

A few months ago, the Bolivian government maintained the pbadages with the governor of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, allied to Macri, for a denunciation of the latter on the fact that the neighboring country has not complied with reciprocity in respect of free medical care.

However, disputes and tensions were resolved when the governments of both countries agreed to sign a future health care agreement for their respective non-resident citizens.

J.D. /


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