Evo Morales participates in a demonstration in La Matanza in the antechamber of his official agenda in Argentina – Telam


This was confirmed by the Bolivian leader from his account on the social network Twitter, in which he thanked the "compatriots living in Argentina" for having prepared such a "loving welcome".

Thanks to our compatriots who live in #Argentina and the Argentinian brothers for having prepared for us an affectionate reception for the morning. Dear brothers, I am honored and happy to meet you and to share with you in Lomas del Mirador, La Matanza, from 19h. pic.twitter.com/ejlwlQReYR

– Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) April 20, 2019

"To thank our compatriots who live in #Argentina and the Argentinian brothers for having prepared us an affectionate reception," wrote Morales.

We welcome to Argentina @evoespuebloPresident of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. It is a pride for the Matanzas to welcome to our country the leaders of the great Latin American homeland. pic.twitter.com/U48rCXtHb8

– Vernica Magario (@magariovero) April 21, 2019

According to forecasts, the head of state of the neighboring country will be 19 years old at the Alberto Balestrini Municipal Sports Center, located Avenida Juan Manuel de Rosas 1413, in the region of Monte Dorrego, in Lomas del Mirador, in La Tuer.

The municipality that runs Verónica Magario concentrates one of the largest settlements of Bolivian immigrants.


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