Evo Morales’ party held Jeanine ñez responsible for 2019 deaths but 15 died before her inauguration


The November 2019 protests in Bolivia (REUTERS / Marco Bello)
The November 2019 protests in Bolivia (REUTERS / Marco Bello)

A report of Interdisciplinary group of independent experts (GIEI) made it clear that many people who died during protests in Bolivia in 2019 lost their lives before taking care of Jeanine ñez. This implies that the interim president has no responsibility for all these deaths, reason why she is accused and in jail.

In the last three months of 2019, at least 37 people lost their lives due to the crisis resulting from the elections which gave the winner to Evo Morales, who had to leave the country accused of fraud.

The Official Movement for Socialism (MAS) insists on attributing all deaths to former President Añez. However, depending on the chronology of events, 15 people died before he came to power.

According to Seventh page, the GIEI report found the responsibility of the government of Añez for the massacres of Sacaba and Senkata which left 20 dead. In addition, he marked two events in which two other people died during his tenure. However, 10 others lost their lives due to events during the power vacuum and five died under Evo Morales’ tenure.

During the 2019 political crisis after the failed elections in Bolivia, some 37 people died (Photo: EFE)
During the 2019 political crisis after the failed elections in Bolivia, some 37 people died (Photo: EFE)

Consulted by the aforementioned media, the analyst Lamb Carlos He said that “there is a speech (by the ruling party) that tries to position that in Bolivia there was a coup and that the main culprit of the coup and the whole crisis that ‘he could bring is Jeanine Añez, with the intention of creating a culprit on whom to assume all the responsibilities. It’s an old communication strategy that comes from authoritarian governments, which use propaganda to position their ideas ”.

Further, he stated that an attempt is made to show Evo Morales as a victim and a defender of the truth; and that, in this sense, the facts of human rights violations, such as the cases of La Calancha and El Porvenir, judicial manipulation to ignore the popular will and others, remain in oblivion.

Meanwhile, the political scientist Paul Coca, said in dialogue with Seventh page: “Blaming Jeanine Añez is the easiest thing for MAS. The logic they have from government, not just as a party, is that you will never admit your mistakes. The MAS will not accept under any circumstances that it bears responsibility for what has happened and for the political tension that we are experiencing at this precise moment ”.

Evo Morales and Jeanine Añez
Evo Morales and Jeanine Añez

The OAS honored in good faith the electoral agreement with Bolivia

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, assured this Wednesday that this body respected “in good faith“The agreement signed with Bolivia for the observation of the 2019 elections in this country, which have been canceled, and specifies that the said agreement is”obligatory”.

Almagro spoke after the Bolivian government reaffirmed that there had been “interference” and “hate speech” by Almagro, and He questioned the preliminary report of this organization on the failure of the 2019 elections.

The OAS report, which was released on November 10, 2019, detected “very serious” irregularities in the process, like the manipulation of the computer system for transmission and calculation of results.

The then leader and the candidate Evo Morales He first announced new elections and a few hours later resigned from the presidency, claiming to be the victim of a so-called “coup”, which gave way to a deep political crisis in this country.

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Uruguayan Luis Almagro (Photo: EFE)
The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Uruguayan Luis Almagro (Photo: EFE)

Bolivian ministers of justice, Ivan Lima, and external relations, Rogelio mayta, discussed La Paz’s position during an extraordinary session of the OAS Permanent Council held almost yesterday, which was also attended by the Bolivian Ambassador to the organization, Héctor Arce Zaconeta.

In his speech, Almagro acknowledged “differences“With the Bolivian delegation on compliance with the Agreement for the comprehensive analysis of the legislative elections of October 20, 2019, but defended the work of the body which leads.

We believe we have respected it in good faith“, underlined the person in charge, indicating that they filled”fully the substantive and formal requirements and conditions“Of the agreement.

In addition, he clarified that the OAS “He has no more powers than those expressly conferred on him.“The original letter from this organization, signed on April 30, 1948.

In this context, he stressed that none of the provisions of this document authorize the OAS “To interfere in matters of internal competence of the Member States.

Read on:

Strong confrontation on the outskirts of the prison where Jeanine ñez is located after the refusal to place her under house arrest
The IDEA group expressed its “serious concern” for the health of Jeanine Áñez
Former Bolivian President Jeanine Áñez tried to kill herself in prison

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