Evo Morales responded to the United States for his report on drug production in Bolivia | The former Bolivian president reminded the United States of the failure of their crusade against terrorism and drug trafficking in Afghanistan and Colombia.


The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, criticized the failure of the United States its’war on terrorism and drug trafficking in Afghanistan and Colombia, in response to a report from Washington on drug production in the Andean country and criticizing the North American country for using the memoranda “as a pretext to intervene militarily and politically”.

“For 20 years, America’s leaders have lied to their people and the world about the so-called ‘war on terrorism and drug trafficking’.‘in Afghanistan. They have spent billions of dollars, slaughtered hundreds of innocent people and destroyed an entire nation, “the former president wrote on his Twitter account. “The United States suffered a shameful defeat on both battlefields: it has never defeated terrorism or the drug trade.. Completely the opposite, multiplied radical Islamic groups and the production of opium and heroinAdded the Bolivian leader.

Morales also reminded the United States of the failure of “Plan Colombia” in the country of South America. “In Colombia they spent $ 15 billion, murdered hundreds of innocent people and set up US military bases, but they never eradicated drug trafficking “recalled the former president. “With the intervention of #EEUU, Colombia has become the largest net exporter of cocaine in Latin America and the main supplier of drugs to that country (…) Who attests to this resounding failure of the United States? Why is the coup leader Almagro silent? He said, referring to the head of the Organization of American States (OAS).

The messages of the former Bolivian president were published the day after his US President Joe Biden sent a memorandum to his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, accusing Bolivia and Venezuela of failing to respect international drug agreements.

Bolivian foreign ministry rejects memorandum launched by Biden
and ironically pointed out that “the country with the highest rates of illicit drug use in the world is arbitrarily issuing a unilateral report that lacks legitimacy and moral authority.”

The Bolivian government noted that categorically rejects the biased document released by the White House, which does not assess the results achieved through its own evidence-based methodologies and in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the ‘European Union, reports recognized by multilateral organizations, which provide a balanced analysis ”.


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