Evo Morales resumes official activity at the closing of the Multi-National Student Games


President Evo Morales resumed official activities Thursday afternoon in Shinahota Municipality, Cochabamba Department, one day after undergoing last-minute surgery in which a "small tumor" was removed. , as he himself explained in his account on Twitter

The Minister of Communication, Gisela Lopez, reported through his account on the same social network that the president returned "gradually" to their activities, a message that accompanied with a photograph in which the President appears next to the players of a team that played the final of futsal in these games.

In the picture Morales sketches a weak smile and looks at the camera. Last Monday, it was his last appearance in public before entering a clinic in the southern area of ​​La Paz to undergo a general examination.

  • The President (second from left) in Chapare, in the final of the ninth edition of the Multi-National Student Games. Photo: @ giselalopez68

"#Evo's president is gradually returning to his public activities, after a successful operation to which he was recently submitted, he is now in Chapare, attends the final phase of the ninth version of The Secretary of State for Regional Affairs "Evo Evo" #EvoMasFuturo "(Sic) wrote the minister in the social network.

In contact with Radio Patria Nueva, the Technical Secretary General of the Shinahota Municipality, David Antonio, stated that Morales He attended futsal matches at the Colosseum in this locality of Cochabamba.

"He watched the final of the men's and women's football, he will participate in the program and the closing ceremony of the games," said the official. (05/07/2018)

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