Evo Morales returns to Bolivia: minute by minute …


November 8 – 6:20 p.m.

The caravan begins to meet Milagro Sala

The first item on the Bolivian delegation’s agenda is the house in the Cuyaya neighborhood, where Milagro Sala is being held today. A long caravan of cars accompanies the van that takes Evo Morales to the home of the social leader.

Evo wanted in particular to visit the head of Tupac: the itinerary of the trip was even modified to be able to greet Sala. During the meeting, they will share a ceremony of indigenous peoples.

The arrival of Evo Morales at Jujuy airport

November 8-17: 30

The arrival of Evo Morales in Jujuy

Evo Morales arrived at the “Horacio Guzmán” international airport in San Salvador de Jujuy. Under extreme heat, he was received by some former officials of his government exiled in Argentina, who return to their lands in the large popular caravan that will accompany Morales.. There is also Meleana Huanca Limach, member of the Bolivian community in Jujuy on “January 22”.

The Bolivian community of Jujuy displayed a huge flag of their country at the entrance to the airport. The delegation accompanying Evo is made up of former Vice-President Álvaro García Linera, former Ambassador Sacha Llorenti, Minister of Culture Tristán Bauer and Daniel Catalano, Secretary General of ATE Capital.


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