Evo Morales: "The nationalizers will continue to p …


A few days the presidential elections in Bolivia in which President Evo Morales
He will seek to renew his mandate. The leader of the Movement for Socialism called on all Bolivians to choose between the two possible paths for Bolivia: "Return to the past or continue on the path of change". "This Sunday will decide between those who are with privatizations and those who are with nationalizations", Evo said in a dialogue with AM750

President Evo Morales sent a message to all Bolivians living outside or inside Bolivia. He also greeted the thousands of Bolivian "brothers and sisters" who reside in our country and are devoting "so much effort to Argentina to improve its economy".

Next Sunday, Bolivians will choose whether Evo Morales, who heads the elections with a 40 percent voting intention, will continue to lead the presidency or whether opposition leader Carlos Mesa will do so.

"People support our process. Imagine what it is like to return to the policies of the International Monetary Fund, as in recent days in Ecuador, convulsed and that social movements reject the package, "said Evo Morales during a dialogue with Víctor Hugo Morales.

For the Bolivian president, the decision at the polls next weekend is simple. "Here they want the IMF to come back with its privatizations; That is why this Sunday will decide between those who are with the privatizations and those who are with the nationalizations, "said the president, convinced that the" nationalizers will continue to win the elections ".

Evo Morales was the first president of Bolivia to nationalize hydrocarbons, at the hands of international companies, which ended up with 82% of profits. "They told us that when the oil or gas was underground, they came from Bolivians but when they came out of the ground, it was no longer Bolivians. They invented a term to do so: the contracts stipulated that the owner had acquired the right of ownership at the wellhead. He left the ground and was no longer Bolivian, "added the president.

According to Morales, nationalization has helped to drive the country's growth. "Thanks to the struggle of the Bolivian people, we have organized a political movement", concluded the president.


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