Evo Morales: "The nationalizers will continue to p …


The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, closed its campaign for Cochabamba to next Sunday's presidential election. During his speech, he asked the undecided to accompany him to reach a new mandate. He also addressed his compatriots in Argentina in an interview he granted Victor Hugo Morales for AM750. There, he called on all Bolivians to choose between two possible routes for Bolivia: "Go back to the past or continue on the path of change. This Sunday will decide between who are with the privatizations and who are with the nationalizations, Says Evo. Yesterday, during an act that he held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, incidents took place between police and opponents.

In the center of the stage, an exultant Evo Morales was seen at the closing of the campaign in the city of Cochabamba. The crowd carried hundreds of blue flags, the color chosen by the Movement to Socialism (MAS), party with which the current president appears in the next elections. In his speech, he asked his activism and the people who had not yet decided to vote to support him. "Do not give up on October 20, we want to win a lot, Cochabamba, I want it to be first, to show me that We are here to continue the process of changehe told his disciples.

He also sent a message to all Bolivians living outside or inside Bolivia during an interview on the radio. AM750. He greeted the thousands of Bolivian "brothers and sisters" who reside in our country and consecrate him "so much effort for Argentina to improve its economy"People support our process, imagine what it means to go back to the politics of International Monetary Fund (IMF) as in recent days in Ecuador, convulsive and with social movements rejecting the peloton, "said Evo Morales in dialogue with Víctor Hugo Morales.

For the Bolivian president, the decision at the polls next weekend is simple. "Here they want the IMF to come back with its privatizations; That's why this Sunday will decide between those who are with the privatizations and those who are with the nationalizations, "said the president, convinced that the"nationalisers we will continue to win elections"

Evo Morales was the first president of Bolivia to nationalized hydrocarbonsat the hands of international companies, which ended up with 82% of profits. "They told us that when the oil or gas was underground, it came from Bolivians, but when it left the ground, it was no longer Bolivians. They invented a term to do so: the contracts stipulated that the owner had acquired the right of ownership at the wellhead. He left the ground and was no longer Bolivian, "added the president. According to Morales, nationalization was allowed the engine of the country's growth. "Thanks to the struggle of the Bolivian people, we have organized a political movement," said the president.

Yesterday, in the stronghold of opposition in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Morales appeared before thousands of faithful. However, at the end of the day, those who approached threw stones at the dozens of policemen who were protecting the area. The government has accused opponents of having favored the riots, which are still the subject of an investigation.

On Sunday, we will decide whether Evo Morales, who leads the polls with a 40% voting intention, continues to lead the presidency, or if the Leader of the Opposition does Carlos Mesa.


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