Evo Morales was in La Matanza | Chronic


Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, visited the municipality of La Matanza, where the mayor Veronica Magario and the national deputy, Fernando Espinoza he was received as "illustrious visitor". They also participated in the "Encounter of the Bolivian Community in La Matanza" organized by the Plurinational State of Bolivia's Embbady in Argentina at the Alberto Balestrini Sports Center in the city of Lomas del Mirador, from the perspective of the meeting that the President will hold on Monday. with Mauricio Macri.

We welcome to Argentina @evoespuebloPresident of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The Matanzas are proud to receive the leaders of the great Latin American homeland of our country. pic.twitter.com/U48rCXtHb8

– Verónica Magario (@magariovero)
April 21, 2019

Magario said that Morales was "an illustrious visitor" and remarked that "We are proud to receive our brother Evo Morales, who has become a symbol of dignity and a generation of equality for our Latin American peoples. "" We also experience a special joy because our beloved Matanza is one of our communities. Bolivians of the country. This visit further consolidates, if possible, the inseparable links we have with our Bolivian brothers. Thanks to its indefatigable and immense capacity for work and its human and social values, the Bolivian community makes us great and proud. We are honored to have this community of brothers in La Matanza", said the village chief.

For its part, Espinoza announced that it would present to Congress a project to declare the approval and recognition of President Evo Morales for his visit to the country and to La Matanza. And also, he stressed that "It is a joy for us and for all the inhabitants of La Matanza to receive a Latin American brother who has devoted his activism to improving the living conditions of most Bolivians, it is an example and for it is a pleasure to be here today to accompany it ".

The pre-candidate of the governor of Buenos Aires also said that "In these times when Argentina is going through one of its worst economic and social crises, the welcome of Evo Morales to La Matanza becomes a light that guides us, in a lighthouse in the middle of a storm . Because what our brother Evo Morales has done in Bolivia shows us a way. We need a current state that makes us peace that has been stolen from us ".


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